Zum #FotoVorschlag „Aus der Zukunft” grüßt uns 1 Vulkanier! #liveLongAndProsper
Zum #FotoVorschlag „Aus der Zukunft” grüßt uns 1 Vulkanier! #liveLongAndProsper
Schweriner TrekDinner – Sei dabei!
Star Trek & Sci-Fi Fans aufgepasst! Unser monatliches TrekDinner bringt Trekkies und Neulinge zusammen.
15. März 2025, 17:30 Uhr
Klub Einblick, Schwerin
Eintritt: 5,- €
Komm an Bord und erlebe einen geselligen Abend!
» Dif-tor heh smusma «
Heute vor 10 Jahren starb Leonard Nimoy
Remembering Leonard Nimoy who passed away 10 years ago today. #80s #80smovies #80sTV #LeonardNimoy #livelongandprosper
Pro tip:
If you want to wave at an audience and don't want to imply support for #fascism, use the #Horns , or the #Victory sign, or the #LatinBlessing , or #LiveLongAndProsper / #NanuNanu or #ChefsKiss . You have OPTIONS.
Trek Dinner Schwerin I 22. Februar 2024 | 17:30 Uhr
Klub Einblick, Lübecker Str. 43, Schwerin
Ob Captain, Offizier oder Passagier – alle sind willkommen zu einem Abend mit Star-Trek-Charme und guter Laune.
Fragen? Einfach melden! #TrekDinnerSchwerin #StarTrekFans #TrekkiesUnite #SciFiEvent #BeamMeUp #Schwerin #TrekkieTreffen #LiveLongAndProsper #StarTrekCommunity #GeekEvent #NerdCulture #StarTrekLiebe #TrekNight #FandomPower #StarTrekGermany
I recently ordered the Star Trek: DS9 complete series physically.
There are so many good messages that spin-off series to a beloved franchise shares and if the gov't decides to mandate and eliminate media not aligned with their viewpoints, it's better to do so now.
Live long and prosper.
Happy birthday, #StarTrekVoyager und #CaptainJaneway : »auch als Serie selbst beschritt "Star Trek: Voyager" vor genau 30 Jahren zahlreiche neue Wege – angefangen beim Captain. (...) Nach anfänglicher Skepsis in der Fangemeinde, unter die sich wie leider so häufig manch misogyne Stimme mischte, reifte Janeway zu einem der Fanlieblinge des Franchises.
(...) Auf sieben Staffeln mit 172 Episoden schaffte es "Voyager"«.
Smoothing Over Star Trek Canon | Strange New Worlds, Vulcans, Klingons & More! - https://youtu.be/T8aytTBc-l4?si=HEl6TiTjqBIlchTx #LLAP #LiveLongAndProsper #RoddenberryEntertainment #ProductionErrors #CanonViolations #StarTrek #CanonSmoothing #STLV2023 #StarTrekConvention #StarTrekCanon #LarryNemecek #JamesKerwin #StarTrekTOS #StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrekLore #SciFiDiscussion #TheTrekFiles #StarTrekDiscovery #TrekCulture #StarTrekUniverse #SciFiLore #TrekHistory #StarTrekFans #StarTrekCommunity #StarTrekContinuity #Roddenberry #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekPicard #StarTrekEnterprise #TrekCanon #StarTrekFanEvent #StarTrekNerds #TrekTalks #StarTrekPanel
Best the best part of the #LowerDecks first episode of the 5th season , in my opinion, is when the T'Lins both raise their eyebrows in that Vulcan manner, in that lovely goofy whimsical Vulcan manner, but they are opposite eyebrows. Absolutely fantastic. A+.
#startrek #startreklowerdecks #livelongandprosper #startrekday #klingon #startrekkers #startrekdiscovery #trekkie #redshirt #vidalongaeprospera #thenewstrangewords #jornadanasestrelas #guerranasestrelas #strangenewworlds
Woah look at the VERY young #JeriRyan
A few more busy days, and then, we can relax. Then it’s all Star Trek and crocheting.
Oh, and catching up on movies I haven’t seen yet, or haven’t seen…again, recently.
The Fifth element is overdue for a rewatch.
I’m also taking recommendations, if anyone has them.
New job posting due to Major Holodeck Ktarian Game injury: Counselor (Lieutenant), specializing in Artifact-Induced Psychotic Disorder (Delusional) with a focus on carbon-based lifeforms, located at USS Majestic NCC-31060. #StarfleetCareers #AskUsAboutStarfleet #LiveLongAndProsper
Temporary position (Rite of Separation Cover): Counselor (Commander), specializing in Synthehol Abuse Syndrome with specialist experience in silicon-based lifeforms, located at USS Livingston NCC-34099. #StarTrek #JoinStarfleet #AskUsAboutStarfleet #LiveLongAndProsper
https://www.wacoca.com/pets/328449/ Malinois Linda #BelgianMalinois #BelgianShepherdLinda #dog #DogEyesVideo #DogWalking #FirstSnow #GermanShepherdNicole #Inu #k9 #LiveLongAndProsper #malinois #MalinoisCoal #MalinoisEyes #MalinoisLinda #MalinoisSable #MyDogIsMyFamily #NatureWalk #ShepherdEye #ShepherdEyes #SunnyDay #WalkWithBelgianMalinois #WalkWithMalinois #WalkingInNatureWithADog #WalkingTheDog #WalkingTheDogInWinter #WinterWalkWithADog #WinterWalkWithMalinois #WinterWalkWithTheDog #ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグ
Temporary position (T'Kal-in-ket Cover): Counselor (Lieutenant Junior Grade), specializing in Temporal Displacement Induced Psychotic Disorder with specialist experience in multidimensional lifeforms, posted at USS Gage NCC-11672. #StarTrek #JoinStarfleet #AskUsAboutStarfleet #LiveLongAndProsper
Greetings and salutations. We are leaving our home at BotsIn.Space due to its retirement and grateful to MuffinLabs for hosting us during that time.
We are pleased to move across the #Fediverse to our new home at Mas.to. Hope you’ll find and follow.
This account is neither affiliated nor endorsed by Star Trek, Paramount, CBS, Star Fleet, or the United Federation of Planets. All quotes are verbatim from an episode of #StarTrek.