@BlumeEvolution : ich halte mit!
@BlumeEvolution : ich halte mit!
Is Maester Seymour really out of touch? Maybe it's the living who are wrong!
Check out my dramatic edit of this iconic #FinalFantasy villain!
#FinalFantasyX #FFX #SeymourGuado #Gaming #Edit #AuroraBorealis #JRPG #Yevon #Spira #NerdCulture #Gamer
Retro.pizza is a Mastodon server dedicated to nerd culture with the values of the fictional heroes we admire: to value diversity like the X-Men, to be as kind as the Doctor, to defend the weak like Optimus Prime and fight against fascism like Princess Leia.
You can find out more at https://retro.pizza/about or contact the admin @trixter
I tend to work from home as much as possible, but I typically have to spend one or two days a week in the office. Normally not a fan, but once in a blue moon, they bring in the therapy dogs to help with stress. The folks who run it all know me by name, as I'm the surly middle aged man who will plop down on the floor to pet a dog. I'll go out of my way to see them as much as I can, and love on them. Plus, they give out collectable cards, which is fun. #dogs #officelife #office #cozy #nerdculture
Trek Dinner Schwerin I 22. Februar 2024 | 17:30 Uhr
Klub Einblick, Lübecker Str. 43, Schwerin
Ob Captain, Offizier oder Passagier – alle sind willkommen zu einem Abend mit Star-Trek-Charme und guter Laune.
Fragen? Einfach melden! #TrekDinnerSchwerin #StarTrekFans #TrekkiesUnite #SciFiEvent #BeamMeUp #Schwerin #TrekkieTreffen #LiveLongAndProsper #StarTrekCommunity #GeekEvent #NerdCulture #StarTrekLiebe #TrekNight #FandomPower #StarTrekGermany
So excited! I always thought X-Men was the best in the MCU (even before they were officially part of it), and now they’re getting a reboot! I can't wait to see how they bring the mutants into the new era, but I really hope they don’t mess it up. The original cast and stories were legendary, so the bar is high.
Fingers crossed for an epic comeback!
El Frikiverse es una comunidad para frikis de todas las tendencias. Por defecto en castellano, pero todo idioma es bienvenido. Las solicitudes son revisadas lo antes posible.
Saber más: https://frikiverse.zone/about
Administrado por: @HAL
Next week, the 1/2 assed show will be streaming once more on #twitch for live recording of the #podcast after feedback from listeners we decided to do this. Our #substack posting will continue unchanged, So follow the link below if you have not yet and we'll see you on Saturday day night same chaotic time same chaotic place!
#streaming #recording #gaming #nerdculture #podcasting #pngtuber #return #3rdtimesthecharm
When the Enterprise and a Ferengi ship get trapped by an energy-sucking planet, the diplomatic approach is "Better Together". But when they trigger an ancient alien Brinks Home Security System, Riker must answer the challenge. Is fear our greatest enemy? Were the Metrons part of the Tkon Empire?
Listen Free @ https://www.humanisttrek.com/03x04
The #rightwinggrifters who make a living constantly making every new #movie or #tvseries in #popculture and #nerdculture out to be the worst #woke thing might as well be saying "listen up #SJWs, *I* flunked my university media studies course in 1st year, listen to my media analysis"
Es geht los! Der Discovery Panel Adventskalender ist da!
Jeden Tag ein neues Türchen, voller Überraschungen aus den unendlichen Weiten. Jetzt reinhören oder -gucken und mit uns die Adventszeit feiern!
#DiscoveryPanel #Adventskalender #PodcastAdventskalender #StarTrekPodcast #NerdCulture #SciFi #Weihnachten2024
We've all been there...don't deny it!
BTW if you haven't done it yet...check out our merchandise at:
#humanisttrek #humanisttrekpodcast #startrek #podcast #blackfriday #weveallbeenthere #truestory #scififans #geekculture #everyonesshopping
#GeekLife #SciFiCommunity #StarTrekFans #NerdCulture #OnlineShopping #podcastlife
I would have loved having one of these back in my D&D, GURPS, Aftermath #TTRPG days, but it won’t come cheap. Starting at $100 for the plastic model and going up from there, the Timestop D-20 will roll up to 12 D4 through D20 and has graphics for crits, and can even roll up to a D100. Oh yeah, it even tells time! #gaming #nerdculture #gadgets #tech #lofi #watches https://gizmodo.com/this-d-20-watch-will-celebrate-your-crits-in-dungeons-dragons-games-2000527803
Hmhm, da hat es wohl #nerdculture zerlegt. It's always DNS. Die Domain scheint aktuell für DNS im Kreis zu zeigen, lediglich einer der angegebenen Nameserver liefert eine IP, der scheint aber nur Relay zu sein und liefert SERVFAIL. Hoffen wir mal, dass die wiederkommen - die Mastodon-Instanz hat(te) über 7k Accounts und recht viele Aktive.
Picked up PostgreSQL recently - that name though ...
I think I'll start using the name possi-quell (along the lines of possible) ... Postgre S.Q.L. is long, SQL = sequel helps on that, postgres don't fit in my mouth, so at least cut of 'es'. But the word post followed by an S-sound is also annoying, so cut the 'st' part away. Po sequels is better, but we need a small pun, so posi-quell feels good. Maybe pown sequel on Fridays. #PostgreSQL #nerdculture
Listening to 'Secret Histories of Nerd Mysteries' new episode is great and interesting on the origins of comic conventions.
Good morning, fellow nerds and tech junkies! Hope you're all doing great! #TechLife #NerdCulture #GoodMorning
Fediverse ist, wenn man naiverweise, um eine eventuell vorhandene Ju-Jutsu-Bubble zu finden, nach dem Hashtag #jujutsu sucht und fast ausschließlich Posts zu Versionskontrollsystemen und Mangas angezeigt bekommt.