On this day in 1985, The Last Dragon was released in theatres.
On this day in 1985, The Last Dragon was released in theatres.
#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#Splash (1984)
A young man is reunited with a mermaid he briefly encountered as a boy and falls in love with her without knowing her secret.
#TomHanks #DarylHannah
¡ADVERTENCIA! La película verdaderamente inusual que está a punto de ver contiene muchas escenas de violencia gráfica. No está destinada a los débiles de corazón ni a los jóvenes impresionables.
Si bien es un hecho triste que el homicidio en masa y los practicantes de Cultos de Sangre infestan nuestra sociedad, los productores de esta película desean expresar que no aprueban, ni quieren inspirar, ninguna de las carnicerías o violencias humanas retratadas en esta película.
Si usted siente que dicho material puede ofenderle, abandone el teatro inmediatamente...
(Todas las mutilaciones, desmembramientos corporales y rituales caníbales fueron realizados por profesionales experimentados.)
Por favor, no intentes ninguna de estas acrobacias en casa.
"Fonda sangrienta" (1987) de Jackie Kong
Vincent (1982)
A masterpiece, one of the best short films ever made.
Remembering William Hurt on what would have been his 75th birthday. #80s #80smovies #WilliamHurt
Happy birthday to Bruce Willis who was born on this day in 1955.
Happy 70th Birthday to Bruce Willis! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #80smusic #BruceWillis
Alien from L.A. (1988)
Man that voice drove me nuts, I know it's on purpose, but still.
Happy 75th Birthday to Brad Dourif! #80s #80smovies #80sTV #BradDourif
Happy Birthday to Kurt Russell who was born on this day in 1951.
Happy Birthday to Rob Lowe who was born on this day in 1964.
Discover how Keanu Reeves credits the Bill & Ted movies for shaping his iconic career, from time-traveling adventures to action-packed blockbusters.
#KeanuReeves #BillandTed #BillAndTedsExcellentAdventure #BillAndTedsBogusJourney #CultClassic #KeanuReevesInterview #80s #80sMovies #1990s #1990sMovies #Movies #MovieNews #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #Celebrity #CelebrityNews #CelebrityInterviews
"The only thing left for us to do is to touch our own bodies. It's our only pleasure. The only one we don't forget."
~ Cathy Stewart as Catherine Greiner in the film "The Night of the Hunted/La Nuit des traquées" (1980)
Happy 70th Birthday to Gary Sinise! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #GarySinise
#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#TradingPlaces (1983)
A snobbish investor and a wily street con artist find their positions reversed as part of a bet by two callous millionaires. #EddieMurphy #DanAkroyd #JamieLeeCurtis
The last floor of the semi-abandoned Soviet observatory - Radio Optical Telescope - ROT54 finished in the 80's in Orgov Armenia (formerly in USSR).
40 years ago today, The Aviator (1985) was released in theaters. #80s #80smovies
Happy 90th Birthday to Judd Hirsch! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #JuddHirsch
Faith Prince in “The Last Dragon”
#KungFuSat #TheLastDragon #FaithPrince #80smovies