Happy Birthday to Sarah Jessica Parker who was born on this day in 1965.
Happy Birthday to Sarah Jessica Parker who was born on this day in 1965.
Perfect Strangers debuted on ABC TV in the US on this day in 1986. It lasted for eight seasons.
45 years ago today, Flo (1980-1981) debuted. #80s #80sTV #KissMyGrits
#ShawnWeatherly appeared on T.J. Hooker with #WilliamShatner and #AdrianZmed
She was FANTASTIC of course.
When they're not on the beach #BaywatchStars
Happy birthday to Bruce Willis who was born on this day in 1955.
40 years ago today, the final episode of Alice (1976-1985) aired. #80s #80sTV #ladiesofthe80s
Happy 70th Birthday to Bruce Willis! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #80smusic #BruceWillis
Happy 75th Birthday to Brad Dourif! #80s #80smovies #80sTV #BradDourif
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us at Welcome to the Boomtown! #80s #80sTV @themuppets. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4XWP_CKnJIg&pp=ygUbbXVwcGV0cyBsZXByZWNoYXVuIGJyb3RoZXJz
Happy 70th Birthday to Gary Sinise! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #GarySinise
Happy 90th Birthday to Judd Hirsch! #80s #80sTV #80smovies #JuddHirsch