Remembering Leonard Nimoy who was born on this date in 1931. #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekFilm #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrekProdigy #IDIC #Quote

Remembering Leonard Nimoy who was born on this date in 1931. #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekFilm #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrekProdigy #IDIC #Quote
Star Trek Discovery Theme but the theme is DISCO
Yeah, this works.
“You’re out of your depth here, non-Vulcan number cruncher”
Worst nickname ever.
#happybirthday @TigNotaro #tignotaro #actress #writer #producer #comedian #jettreno #startrekdiscovery #starfleetacademy #armyofthedead #onemississippi #instantfamily #walkofshame #inaworld #theoffice #FreshOfftheBoat #transparent #lucyinthesky #TheFungies #AmIOK #GlitterandDoom #YourPlaceorMine #WeHaveaGhost #startrek58 @trekcore
"Hugh... thanks. Jett... thanks for nothing." Stamets "Back at you, bobcat." Reno "Bobcat?" Culber "I don't know, I'm on drugs." Reno- Far From Home, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #IDIC #Quote
Happy Birthday to Tig Notaro. #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #IDIC #Quote
"Cultural context, a way to begin communicating." Burnham- Rosetta, Stardate: 865783.7 #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #IDIC #Quote
Happy Birthday to Sonequa Martin-Green. #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #IDIC #Quote
In the mood for some #StarTrekDiscovery. I'm thinking season 5 episode "Labyrinths."
#StarTrekDiscovery is really the only #StarTrek series where there is a fair amount of promotions. It seems like with every other Trek series it is next to impossible.
#happybirthday @britjfrain #jamesfrain #actor #sarek #startrekdiscovery #jarvis #tronlegacy #Elizabeth #Sunshine #wherethehartis #thecountofmontecristo #reideergames #trueblood #truedetective #QuantumLeap #EscapeRoom #TournamentofChampions #thedudors #gotham #orphanblack #elementary #Showtrial #AgainsttheClock #startrek58 @trekcore
"Change is the essential process of all existence." Sarek- The Vulcan Hello, Stardate: 1207.3 #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #IDIC #Quote
Happy Birthday to James Frain. #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #IDIC #Quote
#happybirthday @jakeweberactor #jakeweber #actor #zareh #StarTrekDiscovery #dawnofthedead #medium #PeterFiveEight #ncishawaii #meetjoeblack #TheCell #WhiteHouseDown #theblacklist #hellonwheels #ThankYouforYourService #homeland #wetlands #13reasonswhy #u571 #clover #midway #EveryLastOneofThem #startrek58 @trekcore
Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture Novel Shows a Very Different Vision of the Trek Universe