Now Simon Moore from the #UniversityOfCambridge (but on sabatical at Victoria University Wellington) is talking about architecture security features with #CHERI
To mitigate #MemorySafety bugs like #HeartBleed
Now Simon Moore from the #UniversityOfCambridge (but on sabatical at Victoria University Wellington) is talking about architecture security features with #CHERI
To mitigate #MemorySafety bugs like #HeartBleed
We are pleased to announce that tickets for #DrupalCampEngland will be available from Monday 3rd February at 10:00am GMT Tickets will be £25 each including lunch and drinks Sign up for a reminder today
#opensource #contentmanagement #oss hashtag#Cambridge #UniversityOfCambridge #WebDevelopment #OpenSource #TechConference #Networking #DrupalMeetup #TechEvent #SoftwareEngineering #DigitalInnovation
R.I.P. Sverre Aarseth (1934-2024)
Picture Credit: Institute of Astronomy, CambridgeI am very late passing this sad news on, but I only just heard of the death (on 28th December 2024, at the age of 90) of Sverre Aarseth, who spent almost all of his research career at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge. Sverre was a pioneer in the use of N-body numerical techniques for solving gravitational problems and whose work had enormous impact across many aspects of astrophysics and cosmology, not least because he made his codes available as “open source”. I suspect many of us have used an “Aarseth code” at some point in our careers! I only met him a few times, but he struck me as a friendly and self-effacing man. He was certainly never someone who tried to hog the limelight but he was held in a very high regard across the research community.
You can find fuller tributes here and here.
Rest in peace, Sverre Aarseth (20 July 1934 – 28 December 2024)
People with working-class accents more likely to be suspected of committing crimes #NottinghamTrentUniversity #UniversityofCambridge #UKcriminaljustice #Highereducation #Classissues #Inequality #Education #Language #Scotland #Science #England #UKnews #London #Crime #Law
"Cambridge University urged to apologise over jailing of thousands of ‘evil’ women without evidence or trial":
"In 1561, a little-known charter granted the University of Cambridge the power to arrest and imprison any woman “suspected of evil”. For nearly 350 years, the university used this law to incarcerate young working-class women found walking with undergraduates after dark in Cambridge.
The women were considered prostitutes and could be forcibly taken to the university’s private prison and sentenced to weeks of confinement by the vice-chancellor. More than 5,000 were arrested in the 19th century alone."
#Universityofcambridge researchers reveal that #forest #Rangers in the #CorbettTigerReserve have been deliberately using drones to monitor local #women
In a shocking revelation, researchers from #UniversityofCambridge have uncovered misuse of #conservation technologies in rural #India. These include #camera #traps, #drones, and sound recorders"
Mother’s gut bacteria shown to influence baby’s brain development #MothersGutBacteria #BabyBrainDevelopment #Probiotics #Pregnancy #UniversityOfCambridge
Wanted: expedition botanist to follow in Darwin’s footsteps and look for plants #UniversityofCambridge #Highereducation #CharlesDarwin #Environment #Education #Biology #Science #Plants
Wanted: expedition botanist to follow in Darwin’s footsteps and look for plants #UniversityofCambridge #Highereducation #CharlesDarwin #Environment #Education #Biology #Science #Plants
Two slices of ham a day can raise type 2 diabetes risk by 15%, research suggests #UniversityofCambridge #Medicalresearch #Highereducation #Education #Diabetes #Society #Science #Health #Meat #Food #NHS
Once again I have to use this blog to pass on some very sad news. Professor Peter Thomas of Sussex University passed away last weekend at the age of 62.
Peter Thomas (left) joined the University of Sussex as a lecturer in the Astronomy Centre in 1989 and remained there for his entire career. I know from my own time as Head of School that he was an excellent colleague. who made huge contributions to the University and indeed to his research discipline of cosmology.
Peter studied Mathematics at Cambridge University, graduating in 1983 and then did Part III (also known as the Certificate of Advanced Study) which he obtained in 1984. He stayed in Cambridge to do a PhD in the Institute of Astronomy under the supervision of Andy Fabian on Cooling Flows and Galaxy Formation, which he completed in 1987. He then spent a couple of years in Toronto as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) before taking up his lectureship at Sussex in 1989. His main research interests were in in the areas of galaxy formation, including numerical and semi-analytic models, and computer simulations of the formation of clusters of galaxies. He was a widely known and very highly respected researcher in the field of theoretical cosmology and extragalactic astrophysics.
I was a PDRA in the Astronomy Centre at Sussex when Peter joined in 1989; he was Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy when I returned there as Head of School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences in 2013, a position he himself subsequently held. He was a much-valued member of staff who made huge contributions to the Astronomy Centre, the Department of Physics & Astronomy, the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and the University of Sussex as a whole. I also remember him as a colleague on various panels for PPARC and then STFC on which he served diligently.
Having known Peter for 35 years, and being of similar age, it was a shock to hear that he passed away. I understand that he had been suffering from cancer for over a year. I send my deepest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. I understand that his funeral will be a private family affair, but there will be a more public occasion to celebrate his life at a later date.
I feel you!
The paper was submitted to several journals in the course of 3 years, and each time was rejected after rebuttal, either because they decided it would not fit their topical frame or they wouldn't find suitable reviewers.
The authors finally selected a journal from a list of #OpenAccess publications under #ReadAndPublish agreements with the #UniversityOfCambridge,
See also:
Thanks to Doug Winton for sharing his experience of fee-free #OpenAccess publishing in @DMM_Journal via our #ReadAndPublish agreement with the #UniversityofCambridge.
Read Doug's paper in Disease Models & Mechanisms:
Find out if your institution is participating: The Cambridge Researchers Report is now out! It found pay pressures, job insecurity and a "culture of overwork" across the University. Please share the report widely!
#UniversityOfCambridge #CambridgeUK #UCU #precarity
Virtual reality games helping UK’s deaf children to understand speech #UCL(UniversityCollegeLondon) #Deafnessandhearingloss #ImperialCollegeLondon #UniversityofCambridge #Children'shealth #Virtualreality #Disability #Technology #Computing #Health #UKnews
The second is "The Sounds of Feedback: Deep and Wide Imaging of the Cool Core of the Perseus Cluster" led by Andrew Fabian at the #UniversityOfCambridge
The Perseus cluster has a supermassive black hole in its center blowing giant bubbles. The image below, which is over 1 million light years across, shows these bubbles rising through the cluster's gas. Deeper Chandra observations will reveal how this energy propagates at the most massive of scales.
Breakthrough Gene Therapy Restores Hearing in Toddler - A New Era for Treating Deafness:
10 colleges and universities shaping the future of cybersecurity education #CarnegieMellonUniversity #UniversityofCambridge #skilldevelopment #cybersecurity #Don'tmiss #education #Hotstuff #Berkeley #News #MIT