Atlanta Science Festival takes off in the solar system of Tech #america #AtlantaScienceFestival #science #technology #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA Atlanta Science Festival takes off in the solar system of Tech #america #AtlantaScienceFestival #science #technology #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
How necrotic cells contribute to the body's regeneration process #science
How our perception of waste shapes our reality #science
Are dogs the new children? Birth rates and dog ownership analyzed in study #science
In the fifth and final episode of The Climate Chronicles' first season, Becoming Human, Professor Dagomar Degroot tells the epic story of how climate change spurred the evolution of the last hominin species, including ours. He explains how ancient DNA reveals previously hidden chapters in this remarkable tale. Finally, he closes the season by considering the implications of the deep histories we’ve explored in the past five episodes.
Listen here:
Today in BoneQuest History for March 25th 2006 "ON TOUCHING DICKS IN THESE POST-9/11 TIMES" #bonequest #arclight #bung_deuce #drunk_deuce #post_9_11 #science #touching_dicks
It’s Looking More Likely NASA Will Fly the Artemis II Mission #Science/Space #TotheMoon #Science
Ocean eddies are the food trucks of the sea: Study reveals lipidome composition of mesoscale eddies #science
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Newly discovered manuscript sheds light on Arthur's dealings, such as taunting Frenchmen with farts and handling vicious killer rabbits
New book explores school choice in 11 countries from Ireland to Ukraine #science
Basketball analytics investment is key to NBA wins and other successes, says study #science
In 1930, Felix Bloch introduced the magnon, a quasiparticle of atomic spin waves. #Poetry #Science #History #QuantumMechanics #Magnon #Bloch (
Unexpected Discovery Could Reveal How Cancer Grows #science
I felt the need to thoroughly read — and comment on — the rightly hyped recent publication in Nature Medicine:
Tessier, AJ., Wang, F., Korat, A.A. et al.
Optimal dietary patterns for healthy ageing
It’s a remarkable study with some unexpected results — especially the relative importance of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) via the MUFA:SFA ratio, and yes, the positive performance of wine. But let’s not get into that here
This study certainly doesn’t offer the holy grail for healthy ageing, nor a clear guide on what (or how much) to eat.
Any attempt to treat it that way is, in my view, misleading.
What it does show are dietary patterns that correlate with better ageing outcomes — not prescriptive rules.
In fact, many of the foods with log(OR) ≥ 0 are low in calories and would not sustain daily energy needs on their own. That’s precisely the point.
Certain foods — even in small quantities — can have disproportionate biological impact.
This supports the view that dietary quality is more relevant than quantity in promoting healthy ageing.
And importantly, the fact that many of these protective foods are not modern dietary staples opens the door for nutritional interventions — including targeted supplementation — to deliver the benefits of these patterns in a more accessible form.
What rules actually prohibit us from building a warp drive? #science
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Reprogrammed or induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are created by reverting adult cells to an embryonic-like state, from which they can be coaxed to develop into other cell types.