If #Hegseth had added a #WashingtonPost reporter to the group chat then odds are Jeff #Bezos would have buried the story. #USpol #WaPo
RE: https://mastodon.social/users/mattotcha/statuses/114221825650872931
You know that if #Hegseth had inadvertently added a #WashingtonPost reporter to his #Signal group chat instead of an #Atlantic reporter the story would have been buried. #USpol
> Es gehört zum Humor der Macht, ihre Entscheidungen, gegen die niemand etwas ausrichten kann, betont lächerlich zu begründen.
> …
> Medienkritik, die [den wirtschaftlichen] Aspekt nicht immer mitbedenkt, bleibt blind für die strukturellen Voraussetzungen dessen, was sie an den Inhalten stört.
Danke #Übermedien & @Johannesfranzen für diese Zusammenfassung!
#WashingtonPost #WaPo #boycott_wapo #Bezos
RT https://mastodon.social/@uebermedien/114216672033872213 / https://troet.cafe/@Johannesfranzen/114216702858137318
Yeah, I guess that settles it
Via #RawStory 1:09pm ET - March 20, 2025
#ErrolMusk, father of #Tesla CEO #ElonMusk, believes his son can't b #racist due 2 his past relationships w/ "Black servants" who worked 4 the family in #apartheid #SouthAfrica
In email sent 2 #WashingtonPost regarding inquiries abt his son's animosity toward diversity, equity, & inclusion (#DEI) initiatives, Errol Musk said his 2 sons were never interestd in political mattrs while growing up
#WaPo headline: "Alexa is getting creepier. Take this one step to improve your privacy. #Amazon is ditching an option to opt out of sending #Alexa voice commands to the company. It highlights the growing hunger for our personal data in the #AI age."
The WaPo solution: Stop your Alexa device from saving your voice recordings.
The better solution: Get rid of Alexa entirely: Amazon will still be spying on you.
Let this very stupid move be the death knell for Amazon
Amazon Is Ending an Important Privacy Feature for Alexa Echo Devices By the End of the Month
@RonSupportsYou Bezos has stated his intention to turn the #washingtonpost into a MAGA media outlet. He owns the paper and needs Trump's favor, so it will happen. I don't need to give #Bezos my money so I can watch the process, so my wife and I have ended our 30+ years of subscribing.
From @paulkrugman.substack.com "I don’t know about you, but I don’t think #Trump’s problem is that he’s doing a poor job of explaining his #plan. I think his problem is that he’s offering #fake answers to #fakeproblems, and the public — unlike, apparently, the #WashingtonPost — isn’t buying it."
A sign of democracy flickering? I noticed the “democracy dies in darkness” motto no longer shows on my app when I launch it. (Still on the print masthead, however) #washingtonpost #democracy #journalism #bezos
#WashingtonPost has fallen off the cliff - pushed by its billionaire owner
I cancelled my subscription the day Bezos killed the Harris endorsement. He's only given me reasons to be glad I did.
Mamá, que dice el #PRI que el #WashingtonPost le robó su manual de estilo.
(Qué bárbaro, qué rápido se está cayendo todo allá.)
#actualidad #autoritarismo #EstadosUnidos #México
LOLOL. Of course he does!!!!
Trump Praises Bezos’ Makeover of the Washington Post
Die "Post" ist die einst stolze Zeitung, Watergate usw., die nun auf dem Weg zur Regierungsklitsche ist, weil Amazon-Chef Jeff Bezos die Trump-Agenda als Linie im Meinungsressort ausgegeben hat.
"I stayed for forty years, six months, and six days",
schreibt die Journalistin Ruth Marcus und verlässt die #WashingtonPost
Kolumne: Das #Altpapier am 14. März 2025 | https://www.mdr.de/altpapier/das-altpapier-4080.html
Um, I ended my #WashingtonPost subscription a year or two ago so I don’t visit the site much but….
since when did they GO DARK on the homepage? Black background, white text.
Given their slogan “Democracy Dies In Darkness,” um, one must ask….
I mean wtf?!