Hungary rejects EU plan to collect billions for Ukraine weapon supply #billions #collect #currency #exchange #hír #hungary #Inflation #Magyarország #Plan #recession #rejects #supply #Ukraine #UsDollar #weapon Hungary rejects EU plan to collect billions for Ukraine weapon supply #billions #collect #currency #exchange #hír #hungary #Inflation #Magyarország #Plan #recession #rejects #supply #Ukraine #UsDollar #weapon
#Tuesday #Devotional #GOD #Love #Jesus #Christ #Holy #Spirit #Believe #Faith #Hope #Peace #Discipline #Future #Wise #Lord's #Plan #Prevails #Over #Man's #World #plan #Fails #You #Need #GOD #First
#Tuesday #Devotional #GOD #Love #Jesus #Christ #Holy #Spirit #Believe #Faith #Hope #Peace #Discipline #Future #Wise #Lord's #Plan #Prevails #Over #Man's #World #plan #Fails #You #Need #GOD #First
*~*Proverbs 19:20-21*~*
*~*Listen to advice!*& accept discipline!*so that you will be wise in the future!*There are many plans in a man’s heart!*but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail!*~*
#Tuesday #Devotional #GOD #Love #Jesus #Christ #Holy #Spirit #Believe #Faith #Hope #Peace #Discipline #Future #Wise #Lord's #Plan #Prevails #Over #Man's #World #plan #Fails #You #Need #GOD #First
Without #communication there can be no #resistance.
Communication is what allows isolated #dissidents to join up, understand their situation, and #plan for #action It is what allows a resistance group to break its isolation to become part of a #movement, rooted in larger #society.
#Resisters need to #communicate to #strategize, #analyze, #mobilize, and #act, especially under #repressive #surveillance states. Good communication is a prequisite to successful #recruiting, #fundraising, and movement-building in general.
And conversely, it is the #corporatemedia and other official channels of communication that allow the government to #control the popular #narrative and imagination, to #smear or #deceive resisters, to divide dissidents against each other, even to obscure or #erase struggles for #justice from collective memory. So it's no surprise-with so much at stake that effective resisters fight to reach out and communicate.
Rarely is that as dramatic as the takeover of a TV station in the middle of a parliamentary broadcast. Communication through less fantastic methods (giving #interviews, making #websites, and sharing #pamphlets) is no less important. Effective communication doesn't have to be a spectacle (and the drive to make it a spectacle can be a trap the mass media use to distort movements).
I’m not going to tell you here how to make a zine or write a press release; those practicalities are handled in more detail elsewhere. I'm going to address bigger questions that are discussed less often:
How do resistance movements communicate externally to reach #sympathizers and #supporters?
How do they deal with the power and contradictions of the mass media?
How do they communicate internally to build a shared culture and organize action?
And how do they maintain safe communication - especially in #underground groups-when dealing with repressive states and pervasive surveillance?
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#Space #Station's #Retirement #Plan
#NewsLaughs #FunnyNews #DailyLaughs #DailyJokes #AIGeneratedJokes
En mars 1941 : la nouvelle loi permet une expropriation massive, organisée par le syndicat unique, l'administration et les ingénieurs.
Inès Léraud, Léandre Mandard :
Cartes, plans, illustrations et vidéo relatent l’histoire étonnante et complexe de La Celle-Saint-Cloud
#France #carte #plan #géographie #histoire #urbanisme #quartier #logement #château #guerre #IGN #photo #photographie #photography
Pourquoi l’ #Ukraine rejette le #plan de #DonaldTrump : « Cela ressemble vraiment à du #racket »
Pourquoi l’ #Ukraine rejette le #plan de #DonaldTrump : « Cela ressemble vraiment à du #racket »
Pourquoi l’Ukraine rejette le ...
Kempeleläinen Aada Kalliosalo, 17, valtaa Oulun kaupunginjohtajan työhuoneen naistenpäivänä
Tempauksen teemana on tyttöjen ja tasa-arvon edistäminen yhteiskunnallisessa päätöksenteossa ja yritysmaailmassa.
This Daniel Cheng is a scourge to good society!
Thais effectively barred fr entering casinos in new draft #regulation
"Daniel Cheng, a #gaming #consultant based in Singapore
Quality Humor - Remember to stay within budget for projects, improvements, or anything. Track time and resources and plan ahead of time. #humor #plan #budget #project #improvement #quality #business #time #resources
#guerre en #Ukraine : #VolodymyrZelensky « prêt » à rencontrer #VladimirPoutine si un « #plan #commun » est fixé au préalable entre les alliés de #Kiev
#Zelenski says he will only meet with #Putin when #Ukraine #USA and #Europe #UE will have a #common #plan to #negociate
This guy, from a comedy actor, to a moral reference, has more gutts and moral values than #Trump , #Putin and #Europe #UE all reunited
A country at #war, since 3 years now, exhausted, destroyed, with a totally uncertain future, is going to give #Europe #UE the role it has been asking for , but none would listen ( neither #Trump nor #Putin )