Here's the newest member of #StaticQuest @shellsharks !
There is a lot of great content for the #IndieWeb, #InfoSec, #CyberSecurity, #Technology and more!
Check it out:
Here's the newest member of #StaticQuest @shellsharks !
There is a lot of great content for the #IndieWeb, #InfoSec, #CyberSecurity, #Technology and more!
Check it out:
Does anyone have a good example of an ad, webpage, video or other marketing material that does a good job of both *educating* and selling? Ideally about a technical thing?
That’s generally what every pitch I send needs to do, and I’m having a hard time educating briefly enough that it "clicks” for people.
I'm a #freelance web developer mostly pitching static websites over WordPress / Squarespace.
New blog post:
"If it is worth keeping, save it in Markdown"
In one of Stanisław Lem's stories, "The Memoirs Found in a Bathtub," all written materials are into dust. While this is science fiction, something similar happens in our digital world.
So, jetzt ist es passiert… der 1. Tag eines neuen Monats ist ein guter Launch Tag. Ich habe mein kleines #hugo basiertes #Blog an den Start gebracht und mit ein paar ersten Inhalten versehen. Ihr findet es unter:
Habt ein wenig Geduld, ich schreibe schon an weiteren Beiträgen, die kommen dann bald.
Does anyone know if I can turn off backtracking for #PageFind search? Currently it returns results for '19' when searching for '1960' which is not helpful. I want zero results if the term is not found.
I've tried setting language unknown but it didn't seem to help (even with word searches).
#webDev #StaticWebsites
I've rebuilt my blog using 11ty!
I'd been using Jekyll with Github Pages previously and it was becoming clear that it was time to move on. My realization came when I recently upgraded my home machine and had to install backports on Debian to obtain a load of outdated software and dependencies just to recreate the local build flow.
Also, I never got ruby. 11ty has shown more flexibility around markdown's hybrid forms and I'm familiar with npm and node to a limited extent.
The migration was challenging. I wrote up a python script to translate image and frontmatter markdown syntax into nunjucks to migrate my old posts to the new theme I'm using. Who knew #python regex sub could accept the regex object's groups? Now this guy knows.
Jekyll was good to me but all things must change.
Built with the 11ty-wisp theme by @adjb.
This "remote text" shortcode in Tabi is pretty cool. Basically I can embed any text, from my repo, or even over http, and render it into my markdown file before my site is being built.
I'm using it for the code snippets on this page:
Which now means that if I updated the code, my article would update automatically as well, never needing to manually keep it up to date.
Check out the latest member to Static.Quest, jonesangga,
"Legacy Mortality and the Unseen Cost of Wealth"
Exploring the complex relationship between wealth, mortality, legacy, and the societal resentment that shapes how we are remembered.
#blogpost #blogging #writing #philosophy #uhcceo #OceanGate #wealth #EatTheRich #legacy #mortality #Death #quarto #StaticWebsites #writer #thoughts
Wrote a post about my Emacs plugin, which helps to write posts for static blog right with #OrgMode
No more Markdown, web WYSIWYG editors and other stuff to compose blogposts — just one #Emacs to publish them all!
Should one use #hugo to generate a #staticwebsite website on #linux for uploading to a #webserver? Or are there other alternatives? What do you use? I am not an #html total novice but like an easy life not chasing missing brackets deep into the night #staticwebsites
by CloudCannon
is a fully static search library that aims to perform well on large sites, while using as little of your users’ bandwidth as possible, and without hosting any infrastructure.
I released reactions for my blog exactly 24 hours ago. But it didn't had any check if the visitor had made an reaction or not. Now it does!
And the best part is that the feature do not use any JavaScript. In fact, as of today, do not use any JS what so ever!
Go to any blog post on my website to check it out Example post:
Read the privacy policy if you want to know what happens when you react on a post.
#StaticWebsites generators are the new black. Your language is not stylish if it hasn't one
New post . . .
Hugo 0.126.x: speedy pages from data • The SSG velocity king adds another invaluable asset to its portfolio.
#WebDev #StaticWebsites #StaticSiteGenerators #SSGs #Hugo
cc: @gohugoio
THe best thing with having a stativ website is that you don't need to export the database and import it locally. Just sync the files and you're done!
Quick post about serving a static site over TOR and clear net at the same time (spoiler: uses two copies of the site - which is fine considering the tiny footprint of the site itself).
If you go to my personal website, what do you miss seeing there?
We're back to my recurring nightmare of making it easy for a non-technical client to edit a static website generated using #Hugo.
Are there any good solutions? Or am I going to end up writing my own solution after many painful hours with other people's janky solutions?
If you know of a non-technical user successfully editing a static website, how are they doing it?
EDIT: I'll only use open source solutions I can self-host, but happy to hear about proprietary options.
New post on my Hugo blog! It's about using a #bash script to help load weather data faster in #neofetch, via
Credit to @adamsdesk for sharing his original script on his blog.
#bash_scripting #terminal #cli #techblog #WeatherData #Hugo #StaticWebsites #staticsitegenerator #tmux #ohmyzsh