The average employee is 400% more productive than 40 years ago & earns less than workers made then.
Thats the equivalent of working 5 days a MONTH for the same productivity & making the same pay as they take home now.
There is a reason our grandfathers were able to buy a home after coming to america with $5 in their pocket.
Where is all this wealth going if not to your pockets?
Not earned- stolen. Take it Back!
heh, yeah i bet they are so glad folks are obsessed with xesla and losing focus of
and other large key players in the production, sales, shipping, and even arming the bombs, tanks, bulldozers, drones, and other nasty craft being used to annihilate #Palestine
...but sure, sure, carry on...arrogant status symbol, #eattherich , faulty by design...check and agreed
now back to #armsembargo and shutting down instruments of genocide!!!
Und mir als kleiner Dulli wird gesagt, ich soll ne Wärmepumpe haben und Fahrrad fahren um das Klima zu retten.
Dutton, Littleproud and the Billionaires’ LNP • Keep Them Poor • Keep Them Sick • Keep Them Ignorant • Control The Women #auspol #Australia #politics #policy #AusVotes25 #AusElection2025 #TaxTheRich #ClassWar #EatTheRich
@Susan60 I’m not going to argue against your proposition but we (I am a boomer) have been incredibly successful at hoarding everything that previous generations passed on to us, rigging the game to amass even more for ourselves, Boomersplaining that it’s all down to our hard work and merit and not giving a shit about who pays the price for our advantage and privilege.
Maybe it is more about class than generation because my kids (38 & 40yo and still saving for their first home) don’t want to rig the game in their favour, they just ask for a fair go. But that’s the sort of radical, socialist ideology you get from teachers and police officers.
Maybe Rousseau was right. It’s time to #EatTheRich
Majorie Taylor Greene attack #npr and #pbs in off the hook link to communism. #taylorgreene is a #fascist tool. NPR is known to be one of the least biased #media sources.
#eattherich #oligarchy #mgt #doge #musk #trump #democracy #autocracy #antifa #project2025
Why in Canada do we continue to allow this? Our governments never prioritize workers. All that matters is that the rich get richer. #EatTheRich #canPoli #canBiz
#belarus has been under #authoritarian #dictator #lukashenko has seized power for his 7th term. Telling his opposition that they have no future.
Stomp out #oppression wherever it takes root!
#antifa #oligarchy #fascism #eattherich
Tax the rich and they'll leave? Sounds like an oil well. Tax the rich and invest the spoils in a sovereign wealth fund managed for the public good, for financial stability when the well runs dry.
@mausmalone @Daojoan #EatTheRich until they beg to just to pay taxes.
"It'll never work" they say.
I say, let's try and see how it works out. Let's start with eating the top 25 political donors. What's the worst that could happen?