Welcome @duanin2 a new member to #StaticQuest with a new static site generator I haven’t seen before: Cobalt.
Eeeh, took a few moths break from a #web-dev project that used #StaticCMS as a #Git-based #CMS for a #StaticSite and now I'm learning it is archived and development has stopped
Any toughts on alternatives? #TinaCMS? #DecapCMS? Is Netlify funding the latter? Is Netlify evil?
I know some folks were talking about moving from WordPress to Hugo, and this came across my feed today. It supposedly converts a WordPress site to Hugo.
I haven't tried it myself, but some might find it useful:
My little personal blog is currently hosted on a little raspberry pi. The contents live on GitHub, the deploy runs automatically on push, and I use Cloudflare Tunnels to auto host it.
It's been working great, but I woke up today feeling an incredible amount of 'ick'. I don't want to spend time thinking about security, but I do want to move.
I think maybe it's time to change to a more basic setup with a remote VPS that doesn't involve any tech giants.
Anybody have recommendations for their favorite cheap hosts?
My test #blog at https://test.damianvila.com now has Mastodon comments! (just the last post).
I think it's mostly ready. I just need to report an issue with #Publii (the app generates FIGURE tags around IMGs without checking if one already exists, at least 1 or 2 nodes up), but other than that, it's looking good! Pretty happy with everything (even when I had to hack a few things ) #staticsitegenerator #staticsite #mastodoncomments
We now have a product page on the @sugar_labs website. WDYT?
Like with other improvements, this too was implemented by volunteers contributing to our Jekyll site, hosted on GitHub. It has been a great learning opportunity for many young developers in recent months.
Here's the live page: https://www.sugarlabs.org/product/
I got inspired by @grumpygamer@gamedev.place and re-made my static site using @publii (because, you know, I'm a Designer, not a Programmer ). It's here: https://test.damianvila.com So far, it works as intended and it's going to save me a lot of time if everything goes ok. #staticsitegenerator #staticsite #blog
Edit: if you want to compare, the original is here: https://damianvila.com