@signalapp It's not #disinfo when one points out that you demand #PII aka. #PhoneNumbers from Users and that is literally a architectural vulnerability, alongside your #proprietary & #Centralized #Infrastructure.
- #Signal being a #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider #Solution is literally the reason why I consider it #insecure.
Not to mention the lack of @torproject / #Tor support with an #OnionService or the willingness to fulfill #cyberfacist "Embargoes" or shilling a #Shitcoin #Scam named #MobileCoin!
- #KYC is the illicit activity!!!
And don't get me started on the #cyberfacism that is #CloudAct.
- If you were secure, criminals would've used your platform so hard, it would've been shutdown like #EncroChat and #SkyECC.
I may nit have allvthe.evidence yet, but #Signal stenches like #ANØM: #Honeypot-esque!