Apparently Reddit has now banned a subreddit dedicated to the Fediverse Reddit-alternative Kbin:
If you're on a centralised platform like Reddit, this is what they can do. Centralised platforms have all-powerful leaders who can do whatever they want, and you have no alternatives if you disagree.
The point of the Fediverse being on lots of servers is that each server's power is limited. If you disagree with one server's actions, you can move.
@feditips Thanks for making me aware of Kbin I was only previously aware of Lemmy, which (as you've covered yourself) is not really a viable option.
@SleepyCatten @feditips why is kbin more viable than lemmy? i checked kbim just now and at first glance it's both slower and has a less polished interface.
@Beiz @SleepyCatten @feditips There's me thinking the exact opposite
so.. shall we use lemmy more
@jiangshanghan @feditips
Yes we should.
@feditips I don’t think fediverse is going to enter the general vocabulary.
I think it could? Email and the web are open standards in general vocab, and they aren't corporate brand names.
@mauveavenger sounds like the perfect self selection tool then
@feditips since yesterday I didn't even know that such alternative exists. Seems reddit doesn't know about Streisand effect
@SkierniewiceBoi @feditips dictators always try to control what is communicated in their realm. However, there is always a way around their control. In the end they lose.
@feditips what an admirable bastion of free speech
This is a long read, but it very succinctly explains why these things inevitably always will happen on centralized systems:
Yes! People who enjoy the article should follow the author at @pluralistic
@feditips they're absolutely shameless
They really are Twittering this Good to know that #Kbin is excellent enough to be a worthy competitor = threat...
@feditips reminds me of twitter trying to suppress mastodon migration One day those with money will realise that social media is a network of human beings, and that human beings have free will. Attempt to control them and they will find alternatives. Humans are the Internet. Humans are nature, and nature always finds a way. Instead of blocking the Kbin thread they should address the reason for which people are thinking of leaving in the first place.
One day they might. For now they throw methanol on an invisible fire. When night falls they will see the danger and error of their ways (The danger being a loss of user engagement, and user eyeball numbers).
#RedditCensorship takes #Elmo's #BorgSite approach and has area eliminated #Fediverse entry.
Act now to protect your content and use the #Fediverse's #FOSS alternative:
#Kbin (1):
I needed to remove #Lemmy as an alternative due to its dubious stance towards human-rights abuses, as explained in the next toot.
You can find further useful information on Kbin...
@feditips @stefan@stefanbohacek.onli
...gathered by FediTips here:
and here
Reason for #Lemmy's removal:
I have removed my indirect endorsement of #Lemmy. They have a very dubious stance towards human rights and do not object people celebrating #Stalin's birthday, a man who directly and indirectly killed 6-9 million people.
Besides, they apparently are die-hard communists, supporting the Kremlin (#tankies).
You are very welcome. I support this decision, but it was not mine to suggest.
I agree with @feditips that it matters greatly who gets the proceeds of #donations and the visibility from sites like yours that, in turn, could generate (marketing) proceeds.
More serious issues with #Lemmy have surfaced regarding #DataPrivacy, which I have posted in my thread here:
@HistoPol @feditips Thanks but your link is broken:
I could not find the thread in your profile, would you like to share it again here?
Thanks for the notice. I have been experiencing several broken links of mine in my toots today. Strange.
Think I fixed it, but here is the thread again, hope it works this time :
It is in the design, centralised platforms should be discouraged. Its just not safe when going beyond a certain size and also not democratic. Substandard hence. Rules and regulations can help here, given the potential high impact we have seen with these platforms on society…
@feditips guess they really are fearful of people moving off Reddit after all.
Surely they should support a free and open internet...
The idea of people hating and leaving Reddit terrifies them. If Reddit was such a great platform they shouldn't have anything to worry about. Yet years of never delivering on promises has finally and justly come back to haunt them.
@feditips LOL, Reddit going full Twitter.
@feditips sorry for a really dumb question on Kban…how do I sign up with my mastodon user name? What’s the proper format? I keep getting a “match format” message. I’m not sure why I’m struggling with. Mastodon was a breeze compared to this.
If you want to sign up on another server, you need to create an account on that server.
Your Mastodon account is tied to the Mastodon server where you signed up, you can't use it to sign in on any other server.
It's like with email, you can't use your Gmail account to sign in on Yahoo Mail, even though you can send emails between Gmail and Yahoo Mail accounts.
@feditips ok, I think I understand that, but when I look at users on kban it displays their other instance info as well (eg: FEDITIPS I’ve just created a kban account displaying USERNAME which isn’t what I want. Does that make sense or am I totally missing something. Thanks for your patience, I don’t know why I don’t get this.
The users you can see with other instance info are on other instances. They may not be on Kban at all, or they might be on different Kban servers.
The idea of the Fediverse is people are spread out on thousands of different servers, but the servers communicate seamlessly so that people from many different servers can have conversations together.
You and I are on different servers but we are able to talk like this, because the servers we signed up on communicate with each other.
@feditips ok, Thanks for this.
@feditips @SocialSpirit the bit that's always stumped me is why I've got to have one profile per fedi app rather than a single unified profile. That's the part that isn't seamless.
You don't need an account on every service.
One account will usually let you interact on other services. From your point of view it will look like you're just on Mastodon, but you're actually on other services too.
For example, if you want to comment on a PeerTube video, you can do that from Mastodon. From your point of view it will look like a Mastodon thread, but when you go to the PeerTube video's own page the comment you made on Mastodon will be there.
For example if you go to @theatticdwellers you'll see PeerTube posts, even though they look like Mastodon posts from your point of view. If you like them on Mastodon, it will appear as a thumbs up on PeerTube. If you reply to one of those videos, it will appear as a comment on PeerTube.
@feditips @SocialSpirit but if I have a @pixelfed account because I prefer an Instagram like interface - I suddenly can't see text posts at all. So if I want text posting and to be able to upload photos... But I also want pixelfed to be my app of choice there is currently no way to do that without multiple accounts with no way of unifying them under one persona.
@jupiter_rowland so I'm a tech person who likes photography and runs a blog.
I've got WordPress with activity pub, need Mastodon for text posts, but thoroughly enjoy the interface of Pixelfed where I may post photos.
If someone replies to me on any of the others I won't be notified on my main account. Where is my main one even? There's not even a way to see my blog and pixelfed content under one feed because I'll "appear" as three different people regardless.
I guess I've not seen a way to link the three together and say "this is me" as a whole. Merely appearing as three different accounts in three different worlds posting three or more content types.
@jupiter_rowland I'm not saying one login, but for the apps to at least be conscious that duplicate profiles on other services exist would be nice.
Like can you imagine a celebrity being here and having like seven accounts across each different service and a fan not knowing which one to actually follow because they all have the same username and profile picture? Sounds like a disaster to me.
@jupiter_rowland you're putting a lot of effort into a comment I just dropped in passing. But here goes:
I know all my accounts and can link to each of them and arrest cryptographically that they're all the same. All an app would need to do is realise that my 2-3 Coo-Ops accounts are all the same and display them as if they were one.