How to Install #Pixelfed on #Ubuntu VPS (8 Step Quick-Start Guide)
This article provides a guide for how to install Pixelfed on Ubuntu VPS. What is Pixelfed? PixelFed is a decentralized, open-source photo-sharing platform similar to Instagram but built on the #Fediverse (federated social networks using the #ActivityPub protocol). It allows users to host their own instances and interact with users across different ... Continued#installguide#selfhosting#vpsguide
@dansup The follower approval feature itself in #activitypub is the vulnerability. It is wrong to give users the expectation that their social media posts are private. Also, approving followers reminds me of DRM on mp3 files. What are we doing?
@pfefferle Danke für deine Einblicke in die Plugin-Entwicklung bei WordPress und die Möglichkeiten des #activitypub für #blogs einfach #blogtastisch ;-) werde ich wohl im April/Mai mal ausprobieren.
— У вас дыра в безопасности! — Ну, хоть что-то у нас в безопасности...
«Вылетит слово — не поймаешь, а у нас догонят, поймают и посадят»
Вы решили вручную одобрять подписчиков и думаете, что кроме одобренных никто не увидит ваши постыдные постики? #ActivityPub отправляет сообщения не просто «подписчикам», а на их сервер. После этого сервер должен проявить порядочность и показывать только тем, кто на вас подписан.
Pixelfed, однако, игнорирует вопросы одобрения подписки для внешних серверов. В результате, если вы одобрили кого-то из пикселфеда, ваши «подзамочные» посты будут доступны всем юзерам с того сервера.
Тада-а-а-м! Собсно, не только пикселфеда это касается, баг (или злонамеренное действие) доступности сообщений с якобы ограниченной видимостью возможен примерно везде, где не используется E2EE шифрование, #НоЭтоНеТочно. «Что знают трое — знает и свинья».
『There's a reasonable chance you have a follower on one of the big Pixelfed instances [...] An attacker who wants to see your private posts could create an account there, follow you, and immediately see your posts. You would receive a follow request, but it wouldn’t matter ...』
"One of the other fun things that shipped with the beta last week was that we included a feedback widget which invites people to reply to a Note directly inside Ghost to tell us how their experience is going. So we're using ActivityPub replies to an ActivityPub note to collect feedback about ActivityPub functionality using ActivityPub. Here, hold my turtles." Pelo que estão dizendo, então nem é exatamente uma limitação do protocolo e sim da ideia de Web Social: receio ser simplesmente impossível garantir o que a máquina alheia vai fazer com os dados a que ela tiver acesso. Se acharmos que a solução passaria por alguma restrição da comunicação apenas a servidores com sistemas pré-homologados, além de ainda ser impossível saber o que quem administra tal máquina faz com ela, acabaria sendo instalada a privação de liberdade aqui também e adeus
Para controlar quem tem acesso (ao menos inicial) a determinado conteúdo, a maneira indicada, atualmente, seria com criptografia assimétrica. Isso sim pode vir a ser especificado pelo ActivityPub, na troca de atividades não públicas. Não sei se já há essa previsão, senão poderiam sugeri-la ao grupo de trabalho da Web Social no W3C. Porém, mesmo assim, penso ser algo talvez inviável: garantido mesmo seria apenas se todos dominassem totalmente as próprias máquinas sem poder compartilhá-las, tanto remetente quanto destinatário das mensagens, aí morre a ideia de Web Social também.
Então, pensando bem, o pessoal que bolou o #ActivityPub por anos já deve ter ponderado essas coisas.
O jeito é conscientizar a galera mesmo, como bem apontou Cadu.
Summary of the bug: If you have a protected account (on Pixelfed, Mastodon, GTS, whatever) and a Pixelfed user followed you and got approved by you, _all_ users on that instance were now able to see your followers-only posts, not just the one you approved.
Hmm, looks like a general "followers only" problem with the ActivityPub protocol. IMHO. This is not so much a Pixelfed issue, as any software can ignore the request to wait for a follow and just follow a user anyway. (ie if a bad actor wants to track "follower only" posts, they can build something to subscribe to followers only) #ActivityPub
Also, if you have any followers from an unpatched Pixelfed server, you might want to know that your follower-only posts can be easily read by people who aren't following you. (
If you're hosting a Pixelfed instance: Good luck updating!