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Руководство по проведению постмортемов. Как правильно разбирать инциденты для улучшения стабильности в будущем

Согласно определению postmortem – это процедура, посмертное вскрытие и исследование тела, обычно с целью установить причину смерти. Не очень приятное описание, но очень полезная практика, благодаря которой о человеческом организме и причинах его болезней и смерти удалось узнать много жизненно важной информации и использовать ее для сохранения огромного количества судеб. Заимствование практик из соседних наук не редкость – из медицинской практики в нашу рабочую повседневность и пришел принцип создания постмортемов. Для чего же нам нужно проводить “вскрытие” системы после инцидента? Тем более, что жизнь «пациента» была сохранена, и команда, работавшая над сохранением жизни, свою долю стресса и опыта уже получила. Во-первых, постмортемы помогают установить причину возникновения проблемы. Да, мы спасли нашу систему от комы, но, если не понять из-за чего она пыталась впасть в предсмертный припадок, с большой долей вероятности она попытается отправиться на тот свет снова и вполне возможно, что очень скоро. Тут мы открываем вторую причину – с помощью аналитики посмотрема, когда мы выявили причины сбоя, мы можем предотвратить повторение инцидента. В-третьих, при проведении посмотрема “вскрытия” могут обнаружиться на первый взгляд неочевидные системные недостатки внутри наших процессов, которые оказывают опосредованное влияние на работу и нуждаются в оптимизации. Возможно, у нас в шкафу пылится дефибриллятор, в то время как мы в каждый экстренный момент используем ручной массаж сердца, хотя эффективность применения дефибриллятора снизила бы временные и физические затраты команды на реанимацию и уменьшила бы риски человеческой ошибки.

ХабрРуководство по проведению постмортемов. Как правильно разбирать инциденты для улучшения стабильности в будущемСогласно определению postmortem – это процедура, посмертное вскрытие и исследование тела, обычно с целью установить причину смерти. Не очень приятное описание, но очень полезная практика, благодаря...

Recuperare i ricordi dal cervello di una persona in coma, o addirittura defunta: fantascienza o possibilità futura? Le neuroscienze esplorano i confini della memoria tra engram, sinapsi e ricostruzioni mentali: è una sfida tecnica ed etica ai limiti estremi della mente umana, per svelare i segreti più intimi di chi non c'è più. Ma forse, alcune cose sono destinate a svanire con noi. E proprio per questo sono uniche.

#ricordi #neuroscienze #Memoria #postmortem

Created a #devlog on #itchio for those who are interested in what went well and what didn't for my first #sologame. Fair "warning": it's not a rollercoaster of challenge and emotion ;) because things actually went pretty well. I would love to hear your opinions about the game, let me know if you find typos, or if you wanted a different colour scheme or music; any comment is valid.

itch.ioDevlog - Skyward Sanctuary by Ranarh

What Democrats have most succeeded at during my lifetime is making the leaders of the Democratic party wealthy. Not Republican-wealthy, but at least upper-middle-class wealthy. What they have not succeeded at is forever changing the course of this country's ship of state. We tacked to the right when your grandparents were born. We still do. If you think Democrats have succeeded in changing our course, give the next 4 years a chance to undo all of that with much bravado.

Dear politicians. If you have to kiss the asses of very rich people to get started, where exactly are you, and we, headed for?

Elections are just a fun game to play for the bored rich.

Dictatorship is the universal solution to mass migration caused by people made wealthy by causing catastrophes generating mass migrations. The heating climate frightens our owners. Not for what it will do to us, for the migrations of brown people it is already causing.

The owners of this place have rules, all of which benefit the owners of this place, none of which generate handouts to anyone, especially to poor people, who might be brown. Note Trump doesn't mind immigration from Nordic countries. It's up to politicians to claw back a pittance for the poor, and that is the exclusive responsibility of Democrats in our system of perpetual wealth for the wealthy.

Splitting our 2 political parties into "slothfully good but financed by billionaires" vs "action figure terrorists who hate this country but are owned by billionaires" was brilliant. It guarantees the latter regain power after 1 Democratic administration, when voters see no progress from the former (until 10 years later, when the latter will claim credit), Democrats who owe their elections, in large part, to the good graces of Republican mass and social medias.

Biden is old! Biden is slipping! Is Biden too old? Why is Biden stuttering? - the Kremlin

Biden is old! Biden is slipping! Is Biden too old? Why is Biden stuttering? - NYT front pages for days

Biden is old! Biden is slipping! Is Biden too old? Why is Biden stuttering? - X social media posts for days

Biden is old! Biden is slipping! Is Biden too old? Why is Biden stuttering? - American voters

We voted for tariffs but we don't have the education to understand who pays for tariffs. Thank the billionaire ownership of the Texas School Board, and their generations-long war against educating Americans.

In hindsight, it was a bad idea to turn politicians into beggars. The only handouts that matter, the ones fueling elections and reelections, are droppings from the dining tables of people made so wealthy by them, no politician, cop, or deity can now touch the gluttons at the tables.

Meanwhile, America kind of, sort of, votes for Democrats when the billionaire-led Republican media machine thinks it had better let a Democrat win. Profits are down again. Time to play the pump-and-dump game with America's economy. Democrats pump. Republicans dump. Voters remain in ignorance. Huge transfers of wealth from the poor and middle class occur with just enough balm to keep riots from breaking out.

They don't think we need any balm now. There are brown immigrants approaching!

We (here I mean American voters in general), based on lies and innuendos, elect politicians who have created and maintain an untouchable caste. It has purchased another presidency. It's not your fault Kamala lost. It's not her fault, nor her team's fault.They listened to consultants the party provided, performed all of the steps of the election dance, and danced it with great style within the constrains of a shrunken schedule. Raised more money than you or I would earn in thousands of lifetimes, and still lost. The other side outspent her through their corporations - Fox, Newsmax, X, Facebook, etc., etc., and likely raised more dark money than that. It's the way of the party. It's the way of that other party, too. It's the way of congresses eternal. It's capitalism uber alles. It's capitalism uber Constitution.

Gotta vote D or it's hell with the R's. Gotta vote R or it's hell with the D's.

Do you sense a lack of seriousness from the right? It's just their turn in the billionaires' pump-and-dump, stupid voters, bleed the treasury game. RW politicians are smart enough with money (they went to universities and emerged with degrees they don't want the public to have - heavens, no) to realize the game exists, and picked the winning side to make themselves filthy rich playing it. It's a game. It's the legacy of the founding fathers. It's the legacy of every congress since then. And it stinks.

Last month, I published a #postmortem of my #IndieGameDev project The Dungeon Under My House.

Basically, it was supposed to be a 6-month #GameDev project that I didn't manage very well and was in my 20th month when I decided that I should put the project on hold.

I hope one day to get back to this project, but I had to make the hard decision to put it on hold so that I could spend my limited time creating a game I could release much, much faster.