"Hello, beautiful! I was wondering, does the carpet match the drapes?
"Does the idiot match the words? "
"What? "
"Exactly. "
"Hello, beautiful! I was wondering, does the carpet match the drapes?
"Does the idiot match the words? "
"What? "
"Exactly. "
Girl, as your legs approach your waist my interest goes to infinity because I’m totes a simp for dat ass. #math #pickuplines
Hey baby are you the alphabet?
Cus I'd put U and I together ;)
@LGBTQNation @lgbtq-nation-LGBTQNation Lucky for them, @janellecshane has already done this for them.
Seen in a dating profile:
"Are you a Wi-Fi router? Because I'm feeling a connection."
Great line, there, bud! You might have guessed that guy was a cishet man.
Ich sollte eine Deutsche sein. Als ich früher in Amerika Deutsch gelernt habe, habe ich das Wort Liebchen selbst entwickelt. Heute morgen habe ich die klassiche Deutsche Pickup Line auch selbst entwickelt. Genauso wie sie Deutsche nutzen.
Ich: Bist du die Haupstadt von Rheinland-Pfalz?
@thatfrisiangirlish: Oh No
Ich: Weil ich dich Mainz machen will.
Ich: Gibt es diese Anmache schon in Deutsch?
Sie: Ja, leider
Deutsche Integration? Wer braucht es. Ich bin schon zu Deutsch.
#immigrantlife #Germany #pickuplines
Hey baby are you a recurring nightmare?
Cuz you take my breath away ... and make me question my psychology.
Sometimes I say that I don't have pickup lines... that's no entirely true.
When I match with someone, I now open with something like:
"What a nice surprise to see you!"
It is true. It is a nice surprise. I don't think that all the likes I send out will result in a match, I'm not this conceited.
It only took me two years to come up with this line.
I know. I'm slow.
I did not use to have a go-to line like this.
And yes, I used it a few minutes ago... New match. Now, I'm thinking about all the things I'd like to do to them. (They are fem-presenting nonbinary. I'm also getting better at not falling into the binary when I refer to people who want the pronoun they. )
Yes, I'm getting a bit excited.
Hey there baby are you a phone cuz i wanna look at you all day
#Autistic #Instagram Reels are Kind of UNHINGED
#pickuplines #autism #funny
Number 71 on KNHC's Top 89 Hit Election of 2023...
"Chill Like That" by Sunday Scaries & PiCKUPLiNES
To be honest, I'm not impressed by this one.
Are you self-hostable?
I'd be glad to debug you for hours past midnight,
and host you at my home
#fuckeduppickuplines #pickuplinesfromhell #pickuplines
What's the worst pick-up line you've heard?
I just heard "I'm not a dentist, but I'd love to give you a filling!"
you sysadmin?
cause I wanna have rwx permissions on you
“You see, I’m smart. The smartest president the world has ever seen. So, so smart. So very smart. This golf course is tax-free. How? Because I’m smart. I buried one of my wives over there and now the golf course is tax-free. How smart is that? No, don’t answer, I’ll tell you - it’s very, very smart.”
“Do you like shopping? I know a store off of Central Park. Nice fitting rooms.”