Some random activities featuring Sifillis Celebrities. More fun can be had at, home of the sifillis.
Some random activities featuring Sifillis Celebrities. More fun can be had at, home of the sifillis.
AWS unveils #Ocelot – a new #QuantumComputing chip!
Ocelot’s scalable architecture reduces error correction by up to 90% and accelerates the development of real-world quantum computing applications.
Get the details on #InfoQ
L’ocelot est un félin mystérieux des Amériques d'une rare beauté. Un chasseur nocturne aux motifs hypnotisants!
À lire ici
»#Amazon’s Cloud Unit Builds #QuantumComputing Chip Called #Ocelot: Quantum computing could spur health care, chemistry advances.« #tech #media
Le géant #Amazon #Web #Services ( #AWS ) a dévoilé, jeudi, sa #puce #quantique #Ocelot. Elle est capable de réduire jusqu'à 90% les coûts de #correction d' #erreurs, et devrait accélérer de 5 ans l'arrivée des #ordinateurs #quantiques commerciaux.
#Boycott #Amazon ..
AWS (Amazon) brise la dernière...
Le géant #Amazon #Web #Services ( #AWS ) a dévoilé, jeudi, sa #puce #quantique #Ocelot. Elle est capable de réduire jusqu'à 90% les coûts de #correction d' #erreurs, et devrait accélérer de 5 ans l'arrivée des #ordinateurs #quantiques commerciaux.
HT @Lilith111 - Judge overturns right-of-way for #CopperWorld across #SantaRita Experimental Range
Sep 19, 2024
by Paul Ingram
"A judge in Maricopa County ruled that state officials violated open meeting law when it approved the value of a right-of-way for the Copper World mine project, located 35 miles southeast of #Tucson in the #SantaRitaMountains.
"Owned by the Toronto-based Hudbay Inc., Copper World has faced a barrage of criticisms and legal challenges from #environmental groups, who have argued the open pit mine would seriously affect the Santa Ritas and the #SantaCruzRiver. Proponents have argued the mine's $1.7 billion investment will generate nearly $250 million in property taxes, and create more than 400 direct jobs and up to 3,000 indirect jobs in #arizona
"#Hudbay originally sought to build the #RosemontMine, planning a half-mile deep pit across nearly 2,500 acres in the Santa Rita Mountains. However that effort faced fierce opposition from environmental groups who argued the mine and its tailings in the #CoronadoNationalForest would bury thousands of acres within the range of the endangered northern #jaguar and the #ocelot, as well as nearly a dozen other #endangered and critical plants and animals."
I never thought I would live to see a wild ocelot. But last month I did.
When she first appeared at sunset, Ana emerged from the darkness of the forest sinuously, silently, effortlessly slinking up onto a branch. This is my first view of her, so it's what I thought I'd paint first. I hope you like it.
"Out of the darkness" - 280 x 280mm - #watercolour - £275.
Msg me if you're interested.
Rarely-Seen Ocelot Captured on Trail Camera #trailcamera #arizona #ocelot #News
Ocelettes, you fool.
Baby ocelots should be called ocelittles.
Artist: #SMOK in City: #PetitHallet /Rue de Mileu 1 (Cour des arts) / Belgium
09/2024 - Title: "Ocelot" - #Art #Streetart #Mural #Artist #WildCat #Ocelot #GoodMorning !
Metal Gear Solid 2 Upscaled, No Commentary! #hd #mgs #ps2 #mgs2 #2024 #game #snake #codec #pcsx2 #60fps #retro #ocelot #konami #raiden #series #kojima #gaming #capture #stealth #tactics #pliskin #gameplay #upscaled #longplay #foxhound #patriots #letsplay #cinematic #fullgame #nostalgic #bigshell #semperfi #metalgear #walkthrough #playthrough #solidsnake #playstation #gamingclips #nocommentary #playstation2 #gameplayclips #youtubegaming #allinlehead
Close up of an ocelot in the Pantanal area of Brazil. See more here:
#ocelot #pantanal #brazil #bigcats #southamerica #wildlife #wildlifephotography #animals #nature #artforsale #wallartforsale #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #giftideas @joancarroll