Climate Chronicles: Transylvania’s Delayed Response to the Little Ice Age #ClimateChange #LittleIceAge #SixteenthCentury

Climate Chronicles: Transylvania’s Delayed Response to the Little Ice Age #ClimateChange #LittleIceAge #SixteenthCentury
500-year-old Transylvanian diaries reveal how the Little Ice Age shaped life and death
Researchers in Romania have delved into centuries-old documents to grasp how climate fluctuations in the 16th century impacted Transylvania, an area that’s now part of Romania...
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Follow @archaeology Adapting to Climate Change Threatening Lake Ontario #agriculture #Climate #ClimateChange #Environment #GlobalWarming #lake #LakeOntario #LittleIceAge
Who to blame for Early Modern limate change?
#history #science #ClimateChange #LittleIceAge
The Little Ice Age was a period of intense cooling between the 16th and late 18th centuries. Ice fairs were a common sight on the River Thames in London during winter. Environmental historians and climate scientists now realise that this period had substantial effects at the time and led to writings which can now be examined to help understand how people were effected.
‘Mystery Volcano’ That Erupted And Cooled Earth In 1831 Has Finally Been Identified
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #glaciochemical #geochemistry #climate #climatechange #sulfurdioxide #neversummer #temperature #weather #icecore #LittleIceAge #dating #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #historic #volcanic #eruption #stratigraphy #Zavaritskii #caldera #ash #KurilIslands #Japan #Kamchatka #Russia #volcano #stratospheric #cryptotephra #tephra #andesite #dacite #Simushir #SimushirIsland
'Mystery volcano' that erupted and cooled Earth in 1831 has finally been identified
#SpanishConquest of the #AztecEmpire
...the 16th century.
How can this still/ever be resolved?
I'm sorry for the tedious page break, forced upon me by the Mastodon limit of 500k and the issue of counting handles, hyperlinks, as well as hashtags, too.
@mina @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb
#SpanishConquest of the #AztecEmpire
...the #LittleIceAge?
And was that a result of “natural forces” or because of the “large-scale #depopulation of the Americas after European arrival, subsequent land use change and secondary succession...”?!?
The authors say their study shows that the “global carbon budget of...
@mina @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb
A 600-Year-Old Blueprint for Weathering Climate Change #ClimateChange #Native #society #NorthAmericans #arizona #LittleIceAge #Huhugam
Climate Change, Society, And Pandemic Disease In Roman Italy Between 200 BCE And 600 CE
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #romanempire #ancientrome #climatechange #spatialanalysis #rome #society #pandemic #diseases #plagues #socialstability #sampling #socialresponse #publichealth #publicsecurity #environment #spread #epidemiology #epidemic #paleoclimate #model #reconstruction #climate #temperature #precipipation #marine #sedment #sampling #climaterecord #RomanClimateOptimum #LateAntique #LittleIceAge #coldweather #coldtemperatures #extremeweather #climatextremes #coldphases #climatestress #social #biology #riskassessment #risk #hazard #Italy #spatiotemporal
"While the genre paintings of Rembrandt van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer, and Jan Steen are forever relegated to the 1600s, Bruegel and Avercamp painted views that, until recently, remained a common sight in every Dutch and Belgian village."
Low Country Climate Canvasses of Little Ice Age via JSTOR Daily
Original image: Hendrick Avercamp, "Winter Landscape with Skaters near a Town" via PubHist
#LittleIceAge #Art #Renaissance #LowCountries #LowCountry #Climate #Winter
"[O]ne could even argue that “Hunters in the Snow” and “Skating Near a Town” aren’t landscape paintings so much as they are climate paintings."
On #DutchPainting in the #LittleIceAge
Some climate change deniers use the Little Ice Age, a period of regional cooling from the 14th to the 19th century, to argue against human-caused global warming. However, this fallacy ignores this event's scientific evidence and historical context. The Little Ice Age was not a global phenomenon but a local one influenced by various factors, such as volcanic eruptions, solar activity, and ocean currents. #LittleIceAge #ClimateChange #Denial
Today in #Connecticut History, July 9: A Hard Overnight Freeze in “The Year Without a Summer”
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Indigenous people and ecologists say everything is interconnected, here’s a great example
Medieval accounts of eclipses shine light on massive volcanic eruptions.
"Descriptions of lunar eclipses by monks and other scholars help scientists to pinpoint effects of ancient eruptions."
#Eclipses #VolcanicEruptions #LittleIceAge
How Pink Floyd inspired research into medieval monks and volcanology - Enlarge / Illumination from the late 14th or early 15th century, which ... - #volcaniceruptions #medievalhistory #gaming&culture #climatechange #littleiceage #volcanology #science
Ars Technica: How Pink Floyd inspired research into medieval monks and volcanology #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #volcaniceruptions #medievalhistory #Gaming&Culture #climatechange #LittleIceAge #volcanology #Science #science
@bethroots @Dianora Thank you for your kind note. My dad never talked about the war & very little about stuff that he & his family had to deal with during WWI & its aftermath, i.e. inflation, then #GreatDepression, then Hitler and then WWII. And yes - I am sure your in-laws could tell a tale - most likely of man's inhumanity to man. Reading the history of #Europe is horrifying for sure. The #FeudalSystem, #BlackDeath, #Famines, #LittleIceAge, #SpanishIquisition, and war after war after war.
Thank you for your kind note. My dad never talked about the war and very little about stuff that he and his family had to deal with during WW1 and its aftermath, i.e. inflation and then #GreatDepression and then Hitler and then WWII. And yes - I am sure you in-laws could tell a tale - most likely of man's inhumanity to man. Reading the history of #Europe is horrifying for sure. The #FeudalSystem, #BlackDeath, #Famines, #LittleIceAge, #SpanishIquisition, and war after war after war.