Yes, even if #KamalaHarris had won the election, I would still think we're knocking on the door to #fascism. #Liberals just prefer a "polite" brand of fascism.
Yes, even if #KamalaHarris had won the election, I would still think we're knocking on the door to #fascism. #Liberals just prefer a "polite" brand of fascism.
Was going to ask why #BernieSanders & #AOC don't break away from what everyone knows is the dead-end #DemocraticParty, but the answer's obvious: they're doing it to prevent real change!
The foundations of #WarOnTerror legislation were left in place by the #Democrats to be used exactly like this down the line (here & now)
That's just not enough. obviously take advantage of the networking opportunities here but we'll get further by counting on each other than we will by counting on those two.
Tips for US Citizens to Protect Immigrants from the Deportation Force by @socialismforall:
Crazy how #dems on here will put out the most offensive shit you've ever heard about #Palestinians and then censor their curse words, as though saying "fuck" is more offensive then stating a group of people deserve #genocide.
Indeed, #billionaires are only a tiny fraction, maybe 0.0001%, of the #capitalist class. #Occupy was right, it really is the top 2% (& their supporters) who are the problem.
The " #billionaire class" does not exist. #Capitalists are the problem. Most of the country's capitalists, & the #wealthy #corrupt #politicians who pander to them, are not billionaires.
#AOC is a perfect example of how easy it is to say the right thing when you don't have to follow through with anything you propose or claim to stand for.
#AOC is such a champion of the people that even #Dem adjacent #DSA went to the trouble & public humiliation of un-endorsing her!
What a fighter!
Weird how someone that claims to oppose #oligarchs sure likes hanging out with them at their own events!
Over 30,000 people in #Denver showed up to a rally spearheaded by 2 #democratic #socialists, but both parties will keep pretending that #Americans aren't hungry for a real change.
Not to worry about the leadership of the Democratic party.
Yes, #Schumer and #Biden were riight, but uninspiring. #Harris not popular enough. #Bernie too old. #AOC too radical.
A true leader will arise, don't worry. It'll take the press a while to recognize him or her. You'll know when it happens.I know
@LiefhebberV @osiris_0x7A4 @AstaMcCarthy
Zie of (de verklaring zelf is onderaan die pagina te lezen, maar ook in bijvoorbeeld of
Nogmaals: volgens alle #Zionisten (een overweldigende meerderheid van alle #Joden wereldwijd), en volgens #AIPAC, #CIDI, #NCAB, #CvI, #CU, #SGP, #VVD, #BBB, #PVV, #Ja21, #PvdD, #PvdA, #D66, #Volt, #Auschwitz, #Jonet, #UNWatch, #Trump, #Musk, #Harris, is #AntiZionisme #AntiSemitisme, en dus is #ZionistenHaat #Jodenhaat.
En omdat er geen explosie is van ECHT antisemitisme, en er geen verklaringen zijn tegen de explosies van ANDERE VORMEN VAN RACISME, was dit ordinaire pro-Israël propaganda - een #STFU waarschuwing aan IEDEREEN die waarschuwde en waarschuwt tegen genocide gepleegd door #Israëlische #Kolonisten en de #IsraeliDestructionForces.
Nederland is geen haar beter dan het land van #AgentOrange.
Another step by Donald towards #Dictatorship in the #USA...
#Trump revokes security clearances for #Biden, #Harris and other political enemies.
#TrumpDictator #TrumpHitler #TrumpPutinsPuppet #TrumpPutinsAsset
#FBR #Resist #FBPE #BanX
Trump revokes security clearan...
When he lost, he never went away. From the very next day after the 2020 election, he was there, hoovering up all the media.
He never gave up one day since 2016.
So where is #Harris?
Is she on Rachel Maddow calling out the lunacy?
Is she hosting townhall meetings?
Is she still the defacto leader?
Maybe she's working on her biography?
At least Tim Walz is trying....
This is why the Dems are failing...
No leaders.
No exposure.
No plan.
No hope.
Tristan #Harris
Er arbeitete als Computerwissenschaftler für Google an der Zukunft mit – bis er aus der Tech-Welt ausstieg. Ein Interview über das Spiel mit unserer Aufmerksamkeit und die Gefahr, die von Elon #Musk ausgeht.
Harris arbeitete als #Computerwissenschaftler für #Google. Er verfasste 2013 die Präsentation - Titel „A Call to Minimize Distraction & Respect Users’ Attention“ (Aufruf zur Minimierung von Ablenkungen u Achtung der Aufmerksamkeit der Nutzer). 2015 verließ er Google u gründete die gemeinnützige Organisation Time Well Spent, heute Center for Humane Technology. Weltbekannt wurde er 2017, als er bei der TED Conference in Vancouver einen Vortrag hielt, der erklärte, mit welchem Aufwand soziale Netzwerke Suchtwirkungen erzeugen. Eine Videoaufzeichnung ging um die Welt u gilt als einer der ersten Anstöße des Techlash, des weltweiten Unmuts u Widerstandes gegen digitale Technologien. 2020 erschien der Dokumentarfilm „The Social Dilemma“
#TristanHarris #Medien #Handy #Schule
#trump is now blatantly abusing his powers in such an OBVIOUS way I am actually shocked more people aren't talking about it.
He removed security clearance for several opposing politicians, including #harris and #biden on a made up national security excuse.
He's now trying to silence the left as his attempts to silence the courts are going HORRIBLY.
When will someone just arrest this clown?