#tRump wants to draw all the oxygen out of the air... and #sell it back to you...
#tRump wants to draw all the oxygen out of the air... and #sell it back to you...
"In mid-February, Trump administration leaders received a desperate warning from their diplomats posted in Vietnam, one of the most important American partners in Asia.
Workers were in the middle of cleaning up the site of an enormous chemical spill, the Bien Hoa air base, when Secretary of State Marco Rubio abruptly halted all foreign aid funding. The shutdown left exposed open pits of soil contaminated with dioxin, the deadly byproduct of Agent Orange, which the American military sprayed across large swaths of the country during the Vietnam War. After Rubio’s orders to stop work, the cleanup crews were forced to abandon the site, and, for weeks, all that was covering the contaminated dirt were tarps, which at one point blew off in the wind.
And even more pressing, the officials warned in a Feb. 14 letter obtained by ProPublica, Vietnam is on the verge of its rainy season, when torrential downpours are common. With enough rain, they said, soil contaminated with dioxin could flood into nearby communities, poisoning their food supplies.
Hundreds of thousands of people live around the Bien Hoa air base, and some of their homes abut the site’s perimeter fence, just yards from the contaminated areas. And less than 1,500 feet away is a major river that flows into Ho Chi Minh City, population 9 million.
“Simply put,” the officials added, “we are quickly heading toward an environmental and life-threatening catastrophe.”"
They received no response from Washington, according to three people familiar with the situation.
Instead, Rubio and Peter Marocco, another top Trump appointee, have not only ordered the work to stop, but they also have frozen more than $1 million in payments for work already completed by the contractors the U.S. hired."
time for coffee...
Never in my lifetime could I have envisaged a president of the #USofA as the #enemy...
but it has happened...
In Europe they have leaders like President Pavel, in the United States, we've got what ? #Trump #DonaldTrump #TrumpIsARussianAsset #AgentOrange #ConvictedFelon #Rapist #Traitor #TrumpShamesAmerica
Are straight white men* at all concerned that in Donald Trump's America, only they now get to join the military and die for their country?
#Hegseth #DUInotDEI
#DonTheConvict #PutinsPoodle
#Krasnov #AgentOrange
* Unless they have bone spurs, of course...
Takeaways from the AP's report on how USAID cuts are imperiling Agent Orange cleanup [in Vietnam] (AP News, 2025-03-19)
“At a former American air base in southern Vietnam, work abruptly stopped last month on efforts to clean up tons of soil contaminated with deadly dioxin from the military’s Agent Orange defoliant.
“The Trump administration’s broad cuts to #USAID also halted efforts to clear unexploded American munitions and landmines, a rehabilitation program for war victims, and work on a museum exhibit detailing U.S. efforts to remediate the damage of the Vietnam War.
“In addition to exposing thousands of people to health hazards, the cuts risk jeopardizing hard-won diplomatic gains with #Vietnam, which is strategically increasingly important as the U.S. looks for support in its efforts to counter a growingly aggressive China.”
Dear legacy media, especially in the US,
please stop referring to the destination for President Donald Trump's extraordinary rendition of hundreds of individuals rounded up in America by #ICE as "a super-max prison" in El Salvador.
Prisons are places where convicted criminals are incarcerated following due process conducted at a fair and just criminal trial.
Call it what it is - "a Concentration Camp."
#Gulag #KZ #KZlager
#Kraznov #AgentOrange
Why are so many peeps subscribing to this mindset, "It's only four years, just hold your breath and it will all be behind us in January 2029"?
Donald Trump is not going to leave the White House now he's back there. He made that clear in his botched coup attempt on Jan 6th, 2021.
He's learned from that debacle. It's not going to be as easy to get rid of him next time...
#POTUS45 #POTUS404 #Musk
#Trump #Krasnow #AgentOrange
#TraitorTrump #TurncoatTrump
USAID cuts jeopardize Agent Orange cleanup and other efforts critical to ties with Vietnam
Do we understand what’s happening, America? #Trump #DonaldTrump #AgentOrange #LittleHitler #ConvictedFelon #Rapist #OrangeInfection #TrumpIsARussianAsset
It's nothing less than pure vandalism by... #agentorange...
So, did the trump release the documents showing that trump shot JFK itself?
"The best murder!"
#USA #AgentOrange #HumanRights #HabeasCorpus
"There was no explanation, no warning. One minute, I was in an immigration office talking to an officer about my work visa, which had been approved months before and allowed me, a Canadian, to work in the US. The next, I was told to put my hands against the wall, and patted down like a criminal before being sent to an Ice detention center without the chance to talk to a lawyer."
USAID cuts jeopardize Agent Orange cleanup and other efforts critical to ties with Vietnam
Reminds me of the story of the man crossing a bridge in Washington, DC.
Suddenly, he spots Donald Trump drowning in the Tidal Basin, then notices Elon Musk drowning in the Potomac. Both are far gone - there's time to rescue only one....
The man faces a difficult choice - should he have pizza or a burger for his supper.
#Krasnov #AgentOrange #PutinsPoodle
#TraitorTrump #TurncoatTrump
#DonTheCon #POTUS45
#LeonMusk #POTUS404
The Revelations-In-Brief:
#JFK was murdered!
#Trump #Krasnov #AgentOrange
#TraitorTrump #TurncoatTrump #PutinsPoodle
China will be keeping a close eye on how damaging to Western alliances is Turncoat Trump's withdrawal of support for Ukraine.
If (sorry, when) Russian President Putin has walked all over US President Donald "Art of the Deal" Trump, that might well green-light a PRC invasion of Taiwan.
And the Chinese are ready to go...
#Krasnov #AgentOrange
#TraitorTrump #PutinsPoodle
Morning, all,
Dear #BBC, President Donald Trump is not "interested in lasting peace" in Ukraine (or anywhere else in Europe threatened by Putin).
#Krasnov is only interested in a "peace" that lasts just long enough for him to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
It'd look so good on his trophy shelf next to the three championship cups awarded him by his own golf resort in Palm Beach, FL.
#AgentOrange #TraitorTrump
#R4Today #BBCnews
Excellent- the best way to deal with #AgentOrange is to ignore him. Deal with the chaos and aggression by whatever means, yes, but do not waste time by talking. Or meeting. All the meetings (ministers, premiers, diplomats)- total waste off time and resources.
#Trump schlägt #Übernahme der #ukainischen #Atomkraftwerke vor
Das ist nicht #Trumps, sondern #Putins #Idee!
Die #Ukraine hat gerade eine #Drone mit 3.000 km und eine erweiterte #Neptun #Rakete mit 1.000 km #Reichweite vorgestellt.
Du #Ukraine war früher die #Waffenschmiede der #Sowjetunion und hat u.a. die #S24 #Interkontinentalraketen entwickelt!!!
#Putler hat #Angst vor einem #ukrainischen #Atomwaffenprogramm und hat seine #Marionette #AgentOrange instrumentalisiert!