Biomaterial design principles to accelerate #bone tissue #engineering
Dewey & Harley, 2022
Biomaterial design principles to accelerate #bone tissue #engineering
Dewey & Harley, 2022
It's very satisfying to see the crown article of my first PhD student Bryan Shirley published! Skeleton is usually all that remains from an animal in the fossil record, so in order to find out how the animal functioned when alive, we have to squeeze out clues from the skeletal tissues, for example using advanced #ElectronMicroscopy . We were told that vertebrate tissues are too chemically unstable to study this way, but with the help of experts in microscopy, we were able to make rapid measurements of crystallography in the oldest #vertebrate hashtag#teeth to understand how they function evolved. Turns out the crystal orientation reflects the function! From the #ultrastructure we can estimate how the animals were biting and see their evolutionary adaptations at the level of individual crystals
This was possible thanks to the facilities and funding by EXCITE network and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - German Research Foundation
Now published #OpenAccess at
#UtrechtUniversity #evolution #biomineralization #paleontology #paleobiology #conodonts
50 years of scanning electron microscopy of bone—a comprehensive overview of the important discoveries made and insights gained into bone material properties in health, disease, and taphonomy
Transformation of bone mineral morphology: From discrete marquise-shaped motifs to a continuous interwoven mesh
50 years of scanning electron #microscopy of #bone—a comprehensive overview of the important discoveries made and insights gained into bone material properties in #health, #disease, and #taphonomy
2/3; #Introduction - My scholarly interests [
] include #bone repair #biomaterials, the #osteocyte (a remarkable cell in bone), #osseointegration of implants, #biomineralization. I think #bacteria are fascinating! #electronmicroscopy and #Ramanspectroscopy ftw! #academia #academicchatter #AcademicMastodon #Science #research #phd #mosstodon #icetodon #Fediverse #nature
Check out this beautiful preprint from @the_node Correspondent Brent Foster & team.
They “highlight how the starlet sea anemone (Nematostella vectensis) can serve as a tractable model to interrogate the cellular mechanisms of coral biomineralization.”
#Ediacaran #fossils reveal origins of #biomineralization that led to expansion of life on Earth
Constraining the onset and environmental setting of #metazoan biomineralization
"#Cloudina originated in a low #oxygen environment with periods of notably higher #oxygenation... it was not a case of sustained oxygenation that resulted in the appearance of #skeletonization... high #carbonate concentrations in the ocean were necessary"
Between a rock and a hard place: Organisation of mineralised #collagen fibrils between the surface of a titanium implant and the nearest #osteocyte in human alveolar #bone.
Exploring potential of #periplasmic #biosynthesis for efficient solar-driven chemical production.
#bacteria #biomineralization #photosynthesis
Mysterious #crystals on #bone exposed to tryptic soy broth: The plot thickens!
Elemental composition analysis using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (#EDX/#EDS) picks up #calcium, #sulphur (#sulfur), but #phosphorus only occasionally!
The #mystery crystals turn out to be calcium sulphate, with uncanny resemblance to the crystal habit of α-calcium sulphate hemihydrate!!!!!
Read the backstory here:
Alien invasion!!!
Forget shape-memory #alloys! #Cells remember! (Arrowheads = bone #mineral)
#Magnesium #whitlockite formation in the alveolar #bone, with #bisphosphonate exposure and osteolytic #skeletal #metastasis. Scanning electron microscopy, Micro-Raman spectroscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy reveal Mg-rich, rhomboidal nodules (200 nm to 2.4 µm) within the lacuno-canalicular space. Mg-whitlockite formation in #osteocyte lacunae is multifactorial in #nature and suggests altered bone #biomineralization.
Through the eyes of an #osteocyte. In #bone, this is what the environment of partially embedded osteocytes (osteoblastic–osteocytes) is like!
Scanning electron microscopy has been used to observe the orientation of mineral platelets in relation to osteoblastic–osteocyte lacunae on the surface of deproteinized trabecular bone in adult sheep.
Read more:
@zeiss_micro #microscopy #biology #imaging #biomineralization #extracellularmatrix #friday
Exploring the key gene networks that control magnetite #biomineralization in prokaryotes Paper:
#MagnetotacticBacteria are diverse #prokaryotes that share a capability of producing intracellular #magnetite or/and #greigite #nanocrystals within #organelles called #magnetosomes.