Hmm. Met zijn 900 pagina's iets dikker dan verwacht... #Exodus #PeterFHamilton #TheArchimedesEngine
Hmm. Met zijn 900 pagina's iets dikker dan verwacht... #Exodus #PeterFHamilton #TheArchimedesEngine
#Orthography: #Dysfunciton or #Dysfuntion?
I haven't read it, so I don't know if there is a deeper meaning, but if you do an image search for the cover image of Peter F. Hamilton's "The Reality Dysfunction", the first row of my first results page shows at least two with a spelling error: One says "Dysfuntion", and one reads "Dysfunciton".
Weirdly, both Audible and show the image with the "Dysfunciton" misspelling on their website.
#PeterFHamilton #PeterHamilton #TheRealityDysfunction #SciFi #SF #ScienceFiction #spelling
Anyone read or recently started reading “Great North Road”
Peter F. Hamilton? I’m trying to put a name to a novel I read some years back, possibly this one:
Before the #Newcastle bit, does it start out in #Dundee? Minor spoiler to follow about the Dundee bit… #PeterFHamilton #GreatNorthRoad
@Thebratdragon @auguryignored I think Peter F. Hamilton announced a new project that is due this year.
(He also confirmed sequels to the salvation-sequence, im very excited)
Random House Worlds to Publish Two Novels from Bestselling Author #PeterFHamilton Exploring ‘EXODUS’
Just finished The Saints of Salvation by Peter F. Hamilton. Great book, great way to wrap up a trilogy. I'll be sure to check out more of his work. Next I'll try to read something a bit different I think.
I #AmReading The Saints of Salvation by Peter F. Hamilton
With refreshing determination and hopeful grit, humanity activates a bold endgame against an alien invasion in the finale of a series heralded as "a modern classic" (Stephen Baxter) from "one of the finest writers the genre has produced" (Gareth L. Powell).
I finished Salvation Lost over the weekend. Really great second entry. Did not repeat the same structuring as the first book, which I appreciate actually. Still genuinely impressed by how well some of the horror was pulled off.
There are some moments in Salvation Lost that are straight up horror. Really does a great job of planting the seed that things are not going well, that things could be going somewhere grisly, without tipping it all off too early. Just in time for a great reveal.
I #AmReading Salvation by Peter F. Hamilton. It's the first of Hamilton's work that I've picked up, though I've always heard good things.
Bursting with tension and big ideas, Salvation is the first book of an all-new series that highlights the inventiveness of an author at the top of his game.
Sometimes I read #books without checking if they're a part of a larger sequence and then about 3/4 of the way through I'm getting kind of worried that the author isn't going to be able to wind up these 10 different POVs in the 200 pages left...
Then I google the book and find out... oh. There's n more of these.
In unrelated news I finished #Salvation by #PeterFHamilton on Monday.
It's surprising that no live-action production company/producer has taken notice of #PeterFHamilton's #Commonwealth universe/series.
This franchise can be adapted into a movie trilogy, or a TV/web series spanning 5 to 7 seasons with 16‒25 episodes each. This fictional universe that Peter F. Hamilton created tackled countless current social issues, and these were written years ago and still valid to this day.
Not to mention, there were also technological ideas that we started to see a few years after they were introduced in his novels.
Thus, for my #FridayReads and #FictionFriday recommendation, I highly encourage reading these great #spaceopera novels by Peter F. Hamilton.
Start with the #CommonwealthSaga:
1. #PandorasStar (ISBN: 0-330-49331-0)
2. #JudasUnchained (ISBN: 0-330-49353-1)
Followed by the #VoidTrilogy (1,200 years after Judas Unchained):
1. #TheDreamingVoid (ISBN: 978-1-4472-7968-6)
2. #TheTemporalVoid (ISBN: 1-4050-8884-2)
3. #TheEvolutionaryVoid (ISBN: 978-1-4050-8895-4)
Then #TheChronicleOfTheFallers:
1. #TheAbyssBeyondDreams (ISBN: 978-0345547194)
2. #NightWithoutStars (ISBN: 978-0230769496)
There is also #MisspentYouth (ISBN: 0330480227), a prequel (340 years before Pandora's Star).
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#books #novels #reading #reads #recommendation #recommended #SciFi #ScienceFiction #space #opera #film #movie #TV #bookstodon
MT VOID #2265: Film reviews of #AManCalledOtto #MyPoliceman #GoodLuckToYouLeoGrande; book reviews of #ImaginaryLives #MarcelSchwob and #QueensOfAnAlienSun #PeterFHamilton; comments on AI submissions and #Clarkesworld; letters of comment on #GalaxyQuest, #FleshGordon, and #TCM picks and #Oscars at from @eleeper and #MarkRLeeper
Currently reading Peter F. Hamilton's A Night Without Stars. Book 2 of The Chronicle of The Fallers. Performed by John Lee.
I enjoy #spaceopera however I get so few chances to use cool terminology like “albedo” and “Lagrange point” in everyday conversation. #peterfhamilton
ᜋᜊᜓᜑᜌ᜔᜶ (Mabuhay!) I'm 스노 (雪亮 Yuki), an #ASEAN from the #Philippines, the “Pearl of the Orient Seas”.
I am an #OpenlyAutistic #Xennial #INFP person. It was #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo (#이상한변호사우영우) and #InnocentWitness (#증인) which gave me the courage to say, “enough is enough” with all the discrimination, prejudice, and stigma about #Autism and #ActuallyAutistics.
Furthermore, I strongly believe in #FreeCulture (under which are #CreativeCommons, #OpenKnowledge, #FLOSS, and related). You will also occasionally see me sharing and talking about #Privacy and #Security.
My first #Fediverse identity was in 2008, when it was still called #identiverse (the former was coined sometime 2010–2012). I used to run a public #Friendica instance for the Philippines, and had my own solo #Hubzilla instance. (#DidYouKnow The Philippines is the #SNS capital of the world since 2008. [1] [2])
My links:
* Hub:
* Bio:
* Verification:
* Liked something?
I love to read #books. My first was Book 5 of the original #CYOA entitled, “The Mystery of Chimney Rock” when I was around four (I still have the book somewhere with a missing cover). By fourteen, I enjoyed reading a non-fiction book entitled simply as “Brain”, and dreamed of becoming a neuroscientist, which sadly remained a dream.
My longest read were #PeterFHamilton's “Pandora's Star” and “Judas Unchained” (more or less 1,000 pages each). My number one favourite is #LynnKurland's “Dreams of Stardust” (I even bought every copy I saw and gave it away).
When it comes to genre, I read anything. In the classics, I love #JaneEyre by Charlotte Brontë. I also read #NeilGaiman's “American Gods”. But I do have genres I favour more than others: #ScienceFiction and #Fantasy. To be more specific, science fiction and fantasy with #TimeTravel and #ParallelWorld elements, if the author can combine it together, even better (like Lynn Kurland's novels: #scifi + fantasy + #romance and sometimes with #paranormal too).
That said, my taste in live-action shows is somewhat similar. And the more complex and/or engaging the story is, the more I love it. Some examples are:
(in no particular order)
* #Grid (#그리드) –
* #SisyphusTheMyth (#시지프스TheMyth) –
* #AlphaGateway (#TheGateway) –
#Sports. I am a #runner. Well, not a professional runner. I run for #health and #fitness. I am also planning on doing #cycling again (my last was during my High School years). My first love was #football, or what Americans call #soccer. I also love #swimming, but what is close and dear to me is #Archery, in particular classic Asian archery, and Japanese archery called #Kyudo (#弓道 #きゅうどう #Kyujutsu). A must.
#Games? This one is a long history. Who doesn't love games, right? To sum it up, I started with Nintendo's “Game & Watch”, then “Family Computer”. I also was able to experience playing in Atari and MSX; as well as table-top #arcade machines. My favourite games are: “Super Mario Bros.”, “#Bomberman”. As well as, “Curse of the Azure Bonds” (#ForgottenRealms) and the Krynn series (#DragonLance) by TSR, “Sim Farm”, “Sim City”, “#PrinceOfPersia”, “#ManiacMansion”, “Neverwinter Nights”, “Eye of the Beholder”, “#Ultima” series, and the Carmen Sandiego franchise, for the PC. (coughDigger*cough*)
In modern #gaming, I highly recommend #GuildWars2, #StarTrekOnline, #Neverwinter, and the open-source #rhythm game, #Quaver.
For extended reality, or XR, games, I play #Ingress, #PikminBloom, #Orna, and #Qonqr; sometimes #PokemonGo.
Last, but definitely not the least, I am a #Natsari as defined in Acts 24. It means that I believe in the #Torah and the #Messiah.
#Introduction #about #me
--- 𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 𐤏𐤋𐤉𐤊𐤌
ᜋᜊᜓᜑᜌ᜔᜶ (Mabuhay!) I'm 스노 (雪亮 Yuki), an #ASEAN from the #Philippines, the “Pearl of the Orient Seas”.
I am an #OpenlyAutistic #Xennial #INFP person. It was #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo (#이상한변호사우영우) and #InnocentWitness (#증인) which gave me the courage to say, “enough is enough” with all the discrimination, prejudice, and stigma about #Autism and #ActuallyAutistics.
Furthermore, I strongly believe in #FreeCulture (under which are #CreativeCommons, #OpenKnowledge, #FLOSS, and related). You will also occasionally see me sharing and talking about #Privacy and #Security.
My first #Fediverse identity was in 2008, when it was still called #identiverse (the former was coined sometime 2010–2012). I used to run a public #Friendica instance for the Philippines, and had my own solo #Hubzilla instance. (#DidYouKnow The Philippines is the #SNS capital of the world since 2008. [1] [2])
My links:
* Hub:
* Bio:
* Verification:
* Liked something?
I love to read #books. My first was Book 5 of the original #CYOA entitled, “The Mystery of Chimney Rock” when I was around four (I still have the book somewhere with a missing cover). By fourteen, I enjoyed reading a non-fiction book entitled simply as “Brain”, and dreamed of becoming a neuroscientist, which sadly remained a dream.
My longest read were #PeterFHamilton's “Pandora's Star” and “Judas Unchained” (more or less 1,000 pages each). My number one favourite is #LynnKurland's “Dreams of Stardust” (I even bought every copy I saw and gave it away).
When it comes to genre, I read anything. In the classics, I love #JaneEyre by Charlotte Brontë. I also read #NeilGaiman's “American Gods”. But I do have genres I favour more than others: #ScienceFiction and #Fantasy. To be more specific, science fiction and fantasy with #TimeTravel and #ParallelWorld elements, if the author can combine it together, even better (like Lynn Kurland's novels: #scifi + fantasy + #romance and sometimes with #paranormal too).
That said, my taste in live-action shows is somewhat similar. And the more complex and/or engaging the story is, the more I love it. Some examples are:
(in no particular order)
* #Grid (#그리드) –
* #SisyphusTheMyth (#시지프스TheMyth) –
* #AlphaGateway (#TheGateway) –
#Sports. I am a #runner. Well, not a professional runner. I run for #health and #fitness. I am also planning on doing #cycling again (my last was during my High School years). My first love was #football, or what Americans call #soccer. I also love #swimming, but what is close and dear to me is #Archery, in particular classic Asian archery, and Japanese archery called #Kyudo (#弓道 #きゅうどう #Kyujutsu). A must.
#Games? This one is a long history. Who doesn't love games, right? To sum it up, I started with Nintendo's “Game & Watch”, then “Family Computer”. I also was able to experience playing in Atari and MSX; as well as table-top #arcade machines. My favourite games are: “Super Mario Bros.”, “#Bomberman”. As well as, “Curse of the Azure Bonds” (#ForgottenRealms) and the Krynn series (#DragonLance) by TSR, “Sim Farm”, “Sim City”, “#PrinceOfPersia”, “#ManiacMansion”, “Neverwinter Nights”, “Eye of the Beholder”, “#Ultima” series, and the Carmen Sandiego franchise, for the PC. (*cough*Digger*cough*)
In modern #gaming, I highly recommend #GuildWars2, #StarTrekOnline, #Neverwinter, and the open-source #rhythm game, #Quaver.
For extended reality, or XR, games, I play #Ingress, #PikminBloom, #Orna, and #Qonqr; sometimes #PokemonGo.
Last, but definitely not the least, I am a #Natsari as defined in Acts 24. It means that I believe in the #Torah and the #Messiah.
𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 𐤏𐤋𐤉𐤊𐤌
My first #SciFi #SpaceOpera #poll has concluded, with #TheExpanse series winning!
Thanks to all who voted!
I've now made it a Space Opera Challenge.
#VorkosiganSaga (#LoisMcMasterBujold)
#CommonwealthSaga (#PeterFHamilton)
#RevelationSpace (#AlastairReynolds)
If there are better choices than one of these, add it to the comments.
Please boost!
Along with others, the #Culture books by #IainMBanks. Nothing compares to them, though I do like some of #AdrianTchaikovsky scifi. Didn't like #PeterFHamilton.
If anyone can recommend anything comparable to #iainmbanks then I will be forever grateful