Please correct me if I'm missing something, but are they sidestepping the colonial aspect of the wild west theme in Thunder Junction by just saying it's a new plane, nobody lived there, don't worry about it?
Seanan McGuire is writing the Cecani Twins again! AHHHHHHHHH! I'm so happy.
Today's Magic story hit me right in the feels
Nashi! Tamiyo! Obeka?!
So happy to see Gisa Cecani continue to ignore the haters.
Holy shit, today’s #MagicTheGathering side story is some of the best prose this franchise has ever had. Even if you don’t normally care about Magic fiction I strongly suggest checking it out.
(What is it with Magic’s trans characters getting the best stories?)
I vaguely remember that in the novel The Thran, the plane that became Phyrexia had been created by an ancient, deceased dragon planeswalker... I wonder if it was one of the Elder Dragons like Nicol Bolas and Ugin
would Crovax and Tsabo Tavoc be considered Praetors?
who is older, Jodah or Lim-Dul/Mairsil?
either way Jodah probably has experienced more