Your Path to Managing #LongCOVID Starts Here
A resource for people struggling with the lingering effects of COVID-19
Source: @SalvMattera
Your Path to Managing #LongCOVID Starts Here
A resource for people struggling with the lingering effects of COVID-19
Source: @SalvMattera
Press release from Brazil:
"Even the mild form of #COVID19 tends to cause an imbalance in the cardiovascular system and requires attention"
Full paper:
Impact of @COVID_19 on heart rate variability in #PostCovid ...
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid19 #LC #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
If your doctor, or the doctor of someone you know, is still suggesting exercise therapy for CFS or fatigue in general, that recommendation has now officially had peer review label it
Outdated and misleading content; review unsuitable for clinical decisions
the full review:
main author h/t @tomkindlon
Study finds long COVID patients feel pressure to prove their illness is real.
"People living with long COVID often feel dismissed, disbelieved, and unsupported by their health care providers, according to a new study from the University of Surrey."
Infektionen wie #Grippe oder #Corona können das #Gehirn auch langfristig beeinträchtigen – besonders bei älteren Menschen.
Forschende am #Helmholtz-Zentrum für #Infektionsforschung untersuchen, wie #Virusinfektionen kognitive Funktionen beeinflussen und das Risiko für #Demenz oder #Alzheimer erhöhen.
Bewegung, Lernen und Impfungen können helfen, das Gehirn zu schützen.
I have ME/CFS and I've experienced similar disbelief from others, including doctors, since 1990.
("but you don't *look* sick ...")
I am so sorry that Long Covid patients are going through the same thing!
"People living with long COVID often feel dismissed, disbelieved, and unsupported by their health care providers, according to a new study from the University of Surrey."
“It’s A Bloodbath”: Trump Administration Slashes Millions in NIH Funding for Maternal Health, HIV, and Other Research
" Trump and his RFK-led HHS also shuttered its Long Covid office, which worked on curing Long Covid and streamlining Covid-related public health efforts …"
Includes links to multiple stories about these cuts.
Kreativ und inklusiv mit bestem Beispiel vorangehen:
Das tut die Markuskirche in #Marburg
Dort wird am 29.3. ein spiritueller Raum geschaffen für Menschen, die sonst nur noch wenig am sozialen und religiösen Leben teilnehmen können.
Danke, liebe Markusgemeinde und UND Marburg!
Mark Vink is amazing to be able to do papers like this while bedbound with ME
"Are CBT and a group physical and mental health rehabilitation programme effective treatments for long COVID? Rethinking of a systematic review"
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC @mecfs
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME
This evening, I gardened.
It started with weeding a small patch. Then I planted a tree. Then I carried on weeding. Then I mowed.
And it was all too much but I'm glad I did.
I am a bit out of breath. I am a bit sore. It is nice to feel my body in a way that aches with effort rather than illness.
I am certain I will pay for all this will in the days to come but for now I'm happy and I carry with me the pulse of the garden under my hands.
“We did the not-sexy, behind-the-scenes work that it takes to make the federal government function well,” the staffer said. “We made sure doctors at the VA are talking to scientists and researchers and epidemiologists at CDC and NIH — that they’re learning from each other. It was a very, very cost effective way to make sure that people are talking to each other and that we’re making the best use of federal resources.”
Das ist ein schwerer Schlag für die Forschung zu #COVID19 und v.a. zu #LongCovid, auch wenn es nicht wirklich überraschend kommt: Die Trumpisten lassen die Finanzierung der Forschungsprojekte zu diesen Themen auslaufen.
Das dafür zuständige HHS teilte dem ScienceMagazine mit: „Die COVID-19-Pandemie ist vorbei, und das HHS wird nicht länger Milliarden von Steuergeldern verschwenden, um auf eine nicht existierende Pandemie zu reagieren, die die Amerikaner schon vor Jahren hinter sich gelassen haben. Das HHS setzt Prioritäten bei der Finanzierung von Projekten, die Präsident Trumps Auftrag erfüllen, unsere Epidemie chronischer Krankheiten zu bekämpfen und Amerika wieder gesund zu machen.“
"Make America Healthy Again" oder MAHA ist natürlich die von dem Impfgegner RFK jr gegründete Wahlplattform, die nun von den Trumpisten übernommen worden ist.
Here's another "literally brain responses are slower" result, a great one to pair with the reaction/response time slowdown, when trying to convince gamers and car drivers and sports players that COVID-19 is something to avoid:
This could suggest a form of accelerated central auditory aging in COVID-19
Our findings suggest that PASC may alter the central auditory pathway and lead to slower conduction and elevated auditory neurophysiology responses at the midbrain, a pattern associated with the typical aging process.
Notably, the younger and older groups did not differ on other dimensions of the ABR, including peak and inter-peak latencies, suggesting that heightened gain is not comorbid with deficient synaptic transmission
Delayed neural conduction time and increased central gain in the midbrain could give rise to functional cortical processing disparities in PASC
the V/I ratio increase in the PASC groups, particularly the younger subjects, potentially exceeds central changes that are expected to occur with natural aging. Indeed, in the PASC group, the younger subjects patterned similarly to the older subjects.
h/t the most admirable @tomkindlon
Doctors still can't fully tell me what is wrong or what my health is going to look like in 5, 10, 20, 30 years. To this gov't I don't exist. I do not matter. My suffering is an inconvenient truth and their solution is to just ignore it.
And I am not alone.
#LongCOVID #COVID #Healthcare
“Federal health officials said Tuesday they are pulling back $11.4 billion in #COVID19 -related funds for state and local public health departments and other health organizations throughout the nation” #longCovid
“The #COVID19 pandemic is over, and HHS will no longer waste billions of taxpayer dollars responding to a non-existent pandemic that Americans moved on from years ago,” —U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. #longCovid
REMINDER: Am 27.03.2025 findet die 2. Veranstaltung des Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit & Soziales #NRW zum Thema "Long- und Post-COVID, Post-Vac und ME/CFS: Angebote für Betroffene" von 10.00 bis 12.00 Uhr online statt.
Die Veranstaltung vermittelt Wissen, praxisnahe Selbstmanagement-Strategien und Ressourcen, damit Betroffene informierte Entscheidungen treffen und besser mit ihrer Erkrankung umgehen können.
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Door een slechtere periode waarin ik geen puf had om langer rechtop te zitten, heeft het lang geduurd, maar eindelijk weer eens een kleurplaat af. Nu bedenken of ik hem zo laat of het watereffect van de Inktense potloden ga uitproberen....
My #LongCovid life. #kleurenvoorvolwassenen
· #LongCOVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis (#MECFS) have similarly impaired vascular function
· Long COVID prevalence is not declining
· Damage to the glymphatic system — which clears waste from the brain — and the blood-brain barrier may contribute to neurocognitive impairment in people with Long COVID