I've started to use kagi as my main search engine and it's an amazing experience. Ten years ago, I didn't imagine I'd one day be paying for a search engine, but as the main ones got so enshittified, bloated, full of unrelated promoted stuff and AI mess over the years, it came to this.
I know kagi is just a reseller of search results, but they're clean and concise search results. And it does offer many customizations via gui presets, not weird URL tricks and/or keywords.
Also, it's AI quick answer feature is actually helpful most of the time, unintrusive, and offers mostly relevant links.
Thanks to @shine who got me hooked! I'd still love to have some free, OSS, privacy friendly solution with no login, but the more complex the digital world becomes in some areas, the less such options are there 
#ProductivityTips #SearchEngine #Kagi #KagiSearch