After ditching browser after browser due to privacy, AI, or whatever nonsense, I find myself using Konqueror.
It's kind of a breath of fresh air. Google is hostile towards it and I miss having a Bitwarden plugin but I think I'll survive.
I've set up #Proton VPN on my home router, so all my devices are now connected through it. This means I'll rarely need to use the VPN functionality on individual devices. I will rarely need to use the functionality myself.
It’s true that having the VPN at the OS level is more secure. A browser extension only encrypts browser traffic.
However, I think this setup is a solid stepping stone for those who haven’t used a VPN before.
It might spark curiosity about Proton's services and encourage more users to migrate from Big Tech to Proton, enhancing their online privacy and security.
#Vivaldi has been gaining a significant number of new users lately. People are increasingly valuing European software alternatives and prioritizing privacy.
This trend presents a great opportunity to further assist new users in enhancing their privacy and supporting European tech.
#Protonvpn + #Vivaldi ce qui me gène c'est que ce n'est pas 100% open source, par contre E.U.
Ce #navigateur intègre désormais #Proton #VPN nativement.
Proton VPN arrive gratuitement dans le navigateur #Vivaldi
Vivaldi bundles Proton VPN into its web #browser
Vivaldi, a Norwegian made web browser, updated their browser yesterday with a Proton VPN! For free!
Proton is a Swizz company with email, cloud storage, VPN etc services!
A great update for those of us who want to #buyeuropean
Vivaldi bundles Proton VPN into its web browser
The free VPN is available in Vivaldi’s desktop browser and doesn’t require a download.
Prohlížeč Vivaldi integruje „VPN“ službu ProtonVPN pro anonymizaci
#Vivaldi nous propose avec la dernière version de son navigateur, #Proton #VPN
Oui, rien que ça
This is an unsolicited plug for #vivaldi . It's the dogs! With added #vpn #security in the latest update. Unfortunately I still have to keep my Gmail lines open because some folk are just unaware of the basics. From back in the day "if you think you are being watched, you are!"...still get a hand on my shoulder from the local plod every so often, just to let me know they know. The #UK is not a #free #liberal or #open #democracy .
#Vivaldi nous propose avec la dernière version de son navigateur, #Proton #VPN
Oui, rien que ça
Внутрішньобраузерна #VPN – це не зовсім нова концепція, але #Proton VPN є однією з найавторитетніших VPN-мереж, а тепер вона з’являється і в #Vivaldi.