"Thea was exploited by a system that consumes thoughtful, committed academics like our beloved friend, even as it is reluctant to admit it."

"Thea was exploited by a system that consumes thoughtful, committed academics like our beloved friend, even as it is reluctant to admit it."
US #universities are nearly all in the red, financially.
1. Yes, funding #publicEducation costs money
2. Research shows increasing #tuition costs are overwhelmingly because of (a) state reductions in per-student financing and (b) #AdministrativeBloat
Naturally, every upper administrator (and #university system) thinks the obvious fix is to cut #faculty, destroy #tenure, increase class sizes, remove majors, hire #adjuncts, and otherwise degrade academics--you know, the thing universities are about.
1. Fucking fund universities, you cowards
2. If you need to cut costs, start with the things that don't contribute to academics, like (a) administrative costs, (b) sports programs, (c) police and other non-academic programs using resources
3. Stop letting people in suits who know nothing about education and/or about business (and definitely about the ways universities and businesses are and are not similar) make the decisions
Holy shit has this dean EVER tried grading or providing feedback on anything? This is literally the most out of touch, insulting suggestion I have ever seen https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/03/29/metro/bu-dean-to-profs-try-ai-amid-grad-student-worker-strike/ #bugradworkerstrike #academia #adjuncts #union #AI
It's easy to get bored with courses you teach a lot. The same material, same assignments, and same examples make it hard to stay motivated.
On our blog, Tala Khanmalek shares how you can refresh your "bread and butter" courses to avoid burnout.
Just want to re-introduce myself since so many of you have responded to my posting an article about Texas going after #booksellers #bookstores in an effort to #ban #books. I’m here because I want to be on the record against #censorship, for #FirstAmendment #FreePress #FreeSpeech; for #academicfreedom and the rights of #adjuncts. So welcome and I hope you can put up w/occasional attempts at self-promotion. (I write and occasionally publish stuff.) Peace out.
If you want to improve #adjuncts' lives, pay them more. If you want to improve their teaching, give them office space, too.
If you have a moment and inclination, please sign this petition for fair pay for UH English Department graduate students and adjuncts.
We're gearing up to protest for pay that'll be a living wage in Houston! Pay for grad students hasn't changed for ten years, and it hasn't been raised for adjuncts in almost thirty years. Currently, for full-time work, both come out to about 20K after taxes. https://chng.it/ZGx8ZGBC
State audit finds that CA community colleges hire too many poorly paid #adjuncts and misuse state funds intended to pay for full-time #faculty. https://edsource.org/2023/california-community-colleges-rely-too-much-on-part-time-faculty-and-misspend-funds-audit-finds/686030?
The Hamline controversy and the real threat to academic freedom
Xclnt analysis, Marxist in its insights (no idea whether author is self-identified as a Marxist). Note it's consistent with trends in US towards greater exploitation, greater austerity, for working people--including in academia. Capitalism makes us all poorer--save for the already very rich.
#Adjuncts #Academic #Poverty #JobInsecurity
An interesting piece that's making the rounds, developing some important points. It's about History but relevant to other fields. What's missing is discussion of the lack of solidarity TT profs often show towards adjuncts all the time, not just in strikes
#Education #Adjuncts #Meritocracy #Hierarchy #HigherEd
I remember reading #whitenoise in the day, in the last bit of the golden academic evening, before it all became petty #costcutting, exploited #adjuncts, and adminstrative CEOS. Baumbach's film is a history film - that academic world is as gone as anything is gone.
Academic workers deserve livable wages and fair working conditions, including multi-year contracts #Union #UnionStrong #Labor #Academia #AcademicWorkers #AcademicChatter #Adjuncts #ContingentFaculty #OneYearisNotaCareer #UCWArizona #CWA
Read: https://kjzz.org/content/1833192/asu-ua-workers-petition-schools-thriving-wages-better-job-security
Support: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/ucwaz-contingentfacultycampaign
Casual University Workers in Australia Are Escalating the Campaign Against #WageTheft
New School contingent faculty are on strike and The Illuminator project joined them on the picket line. What, indeed, would James Baldwin do?