@davidrevoy I mentioned this topic to my friend and they did some digging and it looks like it was a huge misunderstanding on Deviantart's side? Apparently people who manage their official Twitter fucked up the announcement.
Here is a link to the latest reblogs: https://at.tumblr.com/thefloatingstone/velvety-vixen-i-actually-specifically-brought/zv5wwpejs4zz
There is more to it tho: https://at.tumblr.com/drawingden/your-post-about-deviantarts-ai-related-changes-is/6pirtajjeaz2
There even is a form to fill if you want to opt out: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBl3RIkgoVJh89rWOSd-bz_FdlCZGSUho4ADhG2rmCq3dVPg/viewform
@the_luck_witch Oh yes, I agree (read this thread https://mastodon.art/@reinderdijkhuis/109327285432913484 for more) and they backpedaled a lot since the original announcement. (src. https://www.deviantart.com/team/journal/UPDATE-All-Deviations-Are-Opted-Out-of-AI-Datasets-934500371 ) but still, what a communication mess at the scale of a community. A big bullet in their own foot could have been avoided with more communication and a better default option right of the box.
Also, all my artworks from DeviantArt are easy to find on https://haveibeentrained.com/ , so I guess the evil is already done...
@davidrevoy Yep, they definitely did perform a massive foot shooting. My friends mutual worded it as: "No matter how logical and well-intentioned the product was, no one could listen under the immediate fight-or-flight response this announcement created".
I don't have very impressive art on the site, but damn did I not go to specifically opt out all that I felt I don't want used for such a thing.
@davidrevoy @the_luck_witch
You could try a GDPR data deletion request. If enough people do that someone might sue them for their model. This site might help
@aral used it to demand deletion of his Twitter data:
@grob @davidrevoy @aral TBH if they create an AI that takes into consideration an option to honor artists consent in regard to building its database and on top of that credits the artists it learned from its fine by me.
Artists also can benefit from AI generated images, like for example to create reference images, which was pointed by Aaron Rutten in one of his recent videos.
I do not think the technology is bad per se. Just how it is handled may cause some issues.
@the_luck_witch @davidrevoy @aral
Yes, not bad per se, but I am very sceptical about proper attribution being done or even meaningful in this case given the huge number of contributers. How does that work if not blanket? Basically the #OSM model. Will artists really like that? Maybe just buy artists' waiving of crediting? Is that even feasible given the large amount of training artworks? It's not for any artist so possibility of deletion/opt-out is great.
@grob @davidrevoy @aral I never said there should not be an option to opt out, it was included in "consent" part of my reply.