#Trump plans to claim sweeping #authority over #federal #spending
In a 2nd term, Trump will look at unilateral funding cuts for the #WHO & #green #energy initiatives.
He is vowing to wrest key spending powers from #Congress & to assert more control over the federal #budget than any president in #US #history.
#law #Constitution #SCOTUS #power #government #extortion #EconomicPolicy #MafiaState #authoritarianism #autocracy #tyranny #democracy #BidenHarris2024
The economy always does better under Democratic presidents. #US #USEconomy
@susiemagoo @Nonilex look at the Big Willy style
@susiemagoo @Nonilex A very clear picture of the harm one rotten president can do.
@susiemagoo @Nonilex but I thought Republicans were all about balanced budgets and cutting spending
Or this... Twice-impeached, one-term US president, now convicted felon for business records fraud, with over a half a billion in separate civil penalities for fraud, defamation, and other lies, same guy who exploded the deficit and debt with tax cuts for corporations and the very wealthy when he briefly held power, says he’ll reign in spending if elected again. LOL” #deficit
Please submit your better sentence, if you have one.
@susiemagoo this chart does not include the costs of war, or Bush 2 would look far, far worse than he does.
And "the people" who say that the country's economy fares better under Republicans will not ever look at this damning chart.