Even the Avengers are rooting for Harris. Dear people in the US, vote now.
Source: @MarkRuffalo's Instagram.
Even the Avengers are rooting for Harris. Dear people in the US, vote now.
Source: @MarkRuffalo's Instagram.
I think this was the best one-liner I heard today.
What was really funny was Colbert having a whole lotta fun with this Truth Social post from tRump on last night’s edition of the Late Show. “Whiny. Little. Bitch.” doesn’t even begin to properly describe what the Mango Mussolini is. So presidential. Kinda like smiling and giving a thumbs up over the grave of a troop at Arlington National Cemetery’s Section 60 (no, I definitely haven’t forgotten that and I personally don’t believe any U.S. veteran should). But, it’s a start!
I am thankful that the ABC moderators at least pushed back on some of trumps most bombastic lies. They did a better job than the moderators in the last presidential debate
I’ve just watched the whole presidential debate between Harris and Trump. And it’s like the difference between chalk and cheese. How can anyone look at Trump and think this rambling lying fool should be president of the United States!?!?
He shouldn’t even been in the race. How has he not been jailed for his many many crimes.
#VoteForDemocracy #Biden2024 #BidenHarris2024 #FuckTrump #VoteBlueForWomensRights #VoteBlue #ConvictTrump #WeWontGoBack
Great news: The Biden-Harris just approved its 10th commercial-scale offshore wind project.
Thanks to this administration, there is now enough offshore wind in the pipeline to power 5 million American homes. #BidenHarris2024 #ClimateAction
Biden-Harris Administration Marks Major Milestones for Offshore Wind, Approves Tenth Project | U.S. Department of the Interior:
By me @Forbes: Russia, Russia, Russia, the 2024 version? Kremlin-linked disinformation ring busted by Biden's DoJ.
Ο #zuckerberg παραδεχτηκε οτι "ενεδωσε" σε πιεσεις απο #bidenharris2024 για λογοκρισια στο Meta κατα την πανδημια
το ιδιο συμβαινει κ τωρα με γενοκτονια στη Γαζα. Θα το παραδεχτει κ αυτο οταν αλλαξουν οι συσχετισμοι
αυτος ειναι ο φασισμος, οι πρακτικες ελεγχου, καταπιεσης, επιβολης, φιμωσης κ τιμωριας
ας το εχουμε κατα νου, γιατι πολλοι επαιξαν κ παιζουν βοηθητικο ρολο στο βωμο της προοδευτικοτητας، οπως αυτη οριζεται στον παγκοσμιοποιημενο νεοφιλελευθερισμο
Οι #bidenharris2024 με ποια τεκμηρια απορριπτουν τη νικη Μαδουρο στη Βενεζουελα κ ανακηρρυσουν προεδρο τον δεξιο αντιπαλο; ετσι;
ρητορικη ερωτηση, ετσι για να ρωτησω
This 2 minute video about Project 2025 shows you what will happen if Trump wins!! It’s a straight choice between democracy and fascism!!
#VoteForDemocracy #Biden2024 #BidenHarris2024 #FuckTrump #VoteBlueForWomensRights #VoteBlue #ConvictTrump #WeWontGoBack
Momentum, money, & conviction, Kamala Harris is winning. Rs will do anything to stop her.
VP Harris’ campaign has raised $200M since she emerged as the likely Dem presidential nominee last week, in her race against #TFG.
The bulk of the donations — 66% — comes from 1st-time contributors in the 2024 election cycle & were made after Pres Biden announced his exit from the race & endorsed Harris. >170K volunteers have signed up-.
#BidenHarris2024 #VoteBlueDownBallot #USPol https://apnews.com/article/harris-campaign-fundraising-200-million-5db5d7c5001c87377e4ba11250fff597
He said this in a previous rally a few months ago. It’s great that the mass media have finally picked up on it. His party are working to gerrymander the election so that he can win and get rid of democracy!!!
#VoteForDemocracy #Biden2024 #BidenHarris2024 #FuckTrump #VoteBlueForWomensRights #VoteBlue #ConvictTrump #WeWontGoBack
Who should be @VP Harris’ running mate?! #bidenharris2024
Kamala Harris’s first speech as the potential democratic presidential nominee (from around 9 minutes in). Even though I didn’t want Biden to drop out, she was excellent.
#VoteForDemocracy #Biden2024 #BidenHarris2024 #FuckTrump #VoteBlueForWomensRights #VoteBlue #ConvictTrump