My take away having a big, electric cargo bike for 1.5 years is scheduled maintenance. Enviolo gears “themselves” are great. No issues with that aspect. But fuck me the gear changing system is a nightmare. Both cables replaced, cable housings replaced and then another cable snapped this morning. You can manually “move” the gears and just adjust your e-boost as you pedal so it’s still useable but shit this system is rough #biketooter #ottawa #ottbike #enviolo #cargobike
@grivettcarnac are the cable housings getting water and contaminants in there / freezing? Maybe better cover and arranged for drainage, even if it's condensation. Would electronic shifting be more resilient? Hydraulic maybe but who makes the things you would need on both ends of that hose?
@enobacon I don’t think Enviolo has hydraulic changing capabilities. It’s a big design flaw and pretty frustrating