I offer no defense of Anna Paulina Luna for her lies, fascism, gun love, or desire to shut down the government. I strongly oppose her politics, racism and dishonesty. But I do defend her as a woman facing a male rival who has called her a #witch — not in jest, though that would be objectionable as well — but in all seriousness; alleging that she practices witchcraft and casts spells… (continued below) #AnnaPaulinaLuna #Sexism #Misognyny #Extremism #Fascism #Racism #Power
2/ For anyone who self-identifies as a #witch, this is not about you. Everyone deserves freedom to practice religion as they wish. #Paganism has deep roots in every culture and laudably aligns itself with nature and its preservation. There are also #SocialJustice witches like #Starhawk who protested the violation of #HumanRights and nuclear power plants. “Witch” is a name that has been #reclaimed by women, along with their power, from a dark history of #patriarchal abuse and the burning times.
3/ Self-identifying #witches of any gender, I cheer you. But for anyone who delves into the past for a damning name weighted with the most heinous crimes of #misogyny: you, I condemn; not to the flames your kind ignited under the bodies of innocent women, but to the ignominy of a shameful and destructive history.
4/ It’s not surprising that an accusation of #witchcraft arises in a time when #fascism again occupies corridors of power around the globe. The #Nazis believed in the supernatural and drew on its worst influences. Similarly, Putin embraces the occult and suggests that demons gave him #autocratic power. He is also a devotee of #Longtermism.
5/ The forces of #extremism, armed w/ #disinformation and military grade #psyops, have made improbable ideas mainstream among the MAGA spectrum of global politics; from #LizardPeople to the resurrection of dead Kennedys to 5G implants to a “fake” #Australia populated w/ actors paid by NASA. Depictions of Democrats as baby-cannibalizing pedophiles, LGBTQIA people as “groomers”, Antifa as terrorists, and POC and women as posers determined to supplant white men, have placed us on a risky precipice
6/ from which we are doomed to plunge into full-blown #totalitarianism if we fail to contain #hatred and the desecration of facts.
I told my husband recently, in the aftermath of #SCOTUS overturning #Roe and subsequent attacks on bodily autonomy, gender care and reproductive health, that I expected Republicans to revive real witch hunts; not the kind Trump decries each time he faces consequences for his crimes,
7/ but the kind that led to the brutalizing and murder of women by drowning, hanging and #burning at the stake. Arguably, the #ViolenceAgainstWomen has never ended; but this explicit name calling and accusation, hearkening to a time when so-called #religious men publicly executed women who dared to defy the boundaries placed upon their lives and power, is a devolution that threatens a new cascade of generational horrors.
8/ Despite my disgust for her politics, I stand with #AnnaPaulinaLuna against the #misogyny waged against her for daring to beat her male opponent for a seat in #Congress. There is no excuse for calling a woman a #witch (unless that is her self-empowering self-identification), as #Australian Prime Minister #JuliaGillard schooled opposition leader #TonyAbbott in her world-viral misogyny speech in 2012.
9/ #Language has #power. Accusations of #witchcraft have a dire historical trajectory. We have a responsibility as human beings to prevent future #holocausts of women, Jews, trans and LBG people, people of color and the disabled. If we turn our backs on any #marginalized segment of humanity, we ultimately abandon ourselves. The forces we set in motion with vile #hatred consume not only the subjects of hate, but the perpetrators and bystanders as well. No one is immune and no one survives.
@GJGreenlea First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
@EarthWarrior @GJGreenlea #AnnaPaulinaLuna ‘s grandfather was a Nazi soldier, not a Jew. See the difference? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/anna-paulina-luna-jewish-heritage_n_63e6a7e1e4b0808b91c038f1