Question for #magicthegathering players, when you store your cards how do you group them? Color / Set / Type / Alphabetical ? Some combination of that in some order?
I’ve always just built fun little janky decks during drafts and never really gone back through to build decks or pauper-y cubes so I’m honestly not sure which would be most useful. Sets for themes, alphabetical for Cube Cobra.
Share your wisdom!
@DwarvenCleric Most of my collection is sorted by Rarity, then color, then card type, then alphabetically.
@DwarvenCleric Colour > Type > Mana Value (fewer pips to more pips within a number) > Alphabetical.
Multicolour sorted by Shard/Clan/Guild > Mana Value > Alphabetical. Mana rocks and lands at the back.
I am primarily a Commander player so Legendary Creatures are in front of other creatures.
@LithelyUnshod that makes a lot of sense for finding cards to fit a spot. I had considered by set to be able to see synergies (like zendikar having a ton of landfall)
@DwarvenCleric my rares are in a binder, by color then alphabetical. The rest are mostly by set then collector's number, but some are just still in the prerelease box the same way i got them (which is honestly most of the cards i buy)
@BlueElectivire so since you play commander (and I’m growing more interested in that) when you want to build a deck do you like build it on a site and then go looking for cards you have then fill in the rest, or do you go through set boxes looking for themes that would work well as a deck?
@DwarvenCleric i honestly don't deckbuild too much, but when i do i usually choose a commander i think is cool and go into a scryfall rabbit-hole from there. Having the rares in a binder helps the legendary creatures i have be pretty easy to find, and i don't really limit myself to cards i physically own (if i will actually end up building the deck in paper, i will probably just buy the singles i need somewhere).
@DwarvenCleric having most of my cards sorted per set helps me locate any i might own already (they are mostly in the boxes by color because that is how i sort them during the prerelease), so finding the cards i don't need to get elsewhere is relatively easy too.
@DwarvenCleric I usually only hold on to rares and mythic rares. (Sometimes there are pet cards I collect as well. Looking at you Spirited Companion and Kappa Tech-Wrecker.)
Because of that I organize by set since each pile isn’t very big. One copy of each rare is put in a binder and the rest is in drawers. If I get bored I’ll organize by color.
This makes it easier to find the cards I need. If I know a card was in Mirrodin and reprinted in All Will Be One I know where to look.
@DwarvenCleric I keep mine organized by color then by card type.