Morning All
Now that's more like it.
#TZAG #Breakfast #Marmite
Morning All
Now that's more like it.
#TZAG #Breakfast #Marmite
Interesting to note that #Luxon suggesting poor NZ kids should make a #Marmite sandwich considering Marmite is produced by #Sanitarium, a Seventh Day Adventist business that has a NZ tax exemption due to being a “Christian” company. For a #NZPol PM Luxon sure seems to like fundamental tax avoidance a lot.
What is the important thing in a British person's kitchen cupboard?
(This is very much coded towards my kitchen cupboard btw)
Tried Marmite for the first time ever.
Well, the claims „Wake up your taste buds“ and „Put the Oomph in your breakfast“ are fitting.
I only have some issues getting the taste out of my mouth again.
Yes, I ordered one... I'll report back.
[Marmite adverts may be the only ones that work on me, sorry advertisers]
Hey #Marmite The Static Site Generator - Release 0.2.5 · rochacbruno/marmite
You can pass --enable-related-content=false
(or put in the config file) to hide the backlinks and related content on the bottom of posts.
And there is a new minimalistic theme.
@bruno I'm Strayan, so my #ArchLinux #KDEPlasma system is still hanging out for #Vegemite... never #Marmite!
#Spätstück #Wrap Maronen, gebratener
Bärlauchtofu vom Essensretter,
Ajvar, Tahin auf arabischem
#Marmite nach Geschmack.
Böse, böser,... #ConvenienceFood #UPF #GrasUndSteine
#vegan #govegan #veganuary #veganuary2025
This is alledgly a banned Marmite TV advert from 2013.
I can see why it might have not worked well but with some small changes it would have worked
There was a time when eating this would have caused me heart palpitations. And I miss it. English mustard is the same... now I'm always chasing the feeling of that first #marmite high.
I've combined two extremely polarizing foods. The result is magical (to me). Kalles is very sweet & Marmite's savory face-punch moderates & enhances. I think the combination might give me superpowers.
#Spätstück jetzt erst wieder Hunger, nach dem opulenten Silvesteressen. Tomaten-Maronen-Mandelaufstrich, Erbsen nach #Hummus Art , 2erlei #Tofu und ein gutes Vollkornbrot mit #Marmite das es nicht mehr aufs Foto geschafft hat. Natürlich #vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganfood #veganuary2025 #veganuary #diyvegan #govegan
Good morning.
Happy New Years Eve.
Starting the day with a couple of slices of marmite on toast and a mug of Melozio.
Cheesymite! This needs to be a real thing. #wallacenandgromit #vegemite #marmite
My family does holiday gift lists & we open gifts early. I asked for some wacky ethnic foods & my long-suffering, indulgent peeps knocked it out of the park.
#marmite #abba-zaba #abbazaba #annabelleCandyCo #bisto #ukFood #ethnicFood
Interessanter Artikel zu #Marmite
Es riecht seltsam, es klebt, es sieht aus wie Schuhcreme. Trotzdem lieben die Engländer ihr Marmite.
Dale Carr, die in ihren „Broken English“-Geschäften in Kreuzberg und Charlottenburg britische Lebensmittel, darunter auch Marmite, verkauft, kennt Engländer, die mit süffisantem Lächeln zusehen, wenn sich Ausländer die Paste daumendick aufs Brot schmieren, als handle es sich um Marmelade oder Nutella, und auf den anschließenden Schrei des Entsetzens warten. Und der kommt bestimmt: Marmite hält man nur in hauchzarten Dosen aus, so intensiv ist der salzig-würzige Geschmack, und selbst dann ist er vielen noch zu penetrant. „Entweder du liebst es oder du hasst es“, lautet folgerichtig der Marmite-Werbeslogan.
Gesellschaft: Schwarz auf Weiß
#vegan #govegan #Ernährung