Ce soir je vais aller au théâtre, et cela sera chez moi. Je vais jouer avec Monsieur Carnibal. Un vrai casse-tête à tête.
Ce soir je vais aller au théâtre, et cela sera chez moi. Je vais jouer avec Monsieur Carnibal. Un vrai casse-tête à tête.
Still trying my hand at pixel icons. Weirdly i find the 100px more challenging! Anyway, first one is for a friends birthday, second is for @ConjuredCoin !
There are 1,000 #grotesque #memes of JD Vance – and they’re all more likeable than the real thing
#Angry, #rude and #addicted to web troll-ery, the vice-president has the Make #America #Awful Again portfolio. Seems a perfect fit
Omg ich hätte mir nicht #Trumps adress to #congress ansehen sollen.
Er ruft zum Schluss das "Golden age of #America" aus. Ich denke eher an das "Golden Age of #Grotesque".
If you ever feel the need to make your loved ones question your sanity, perform this with all the voices: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trial_(song)
Une très belle lettrine enluminée pour #JeudiManuscrit, extraite du "Compte de recepte et dépense des deniers de l'Aumône générale de Lyon tenu par Symphorien Thellusson" en 1555.
Que de beauté pour un livre de comptes !
En vente à la boutique des #ArchivesDeLyon sous forme de tote-bag
Cote CH/E/165, fonds de l'hôpital de la Charité
I only recently noticed the bat-winged grotesque on this intricate panel of the 1887 Doulton Fountain on Glasgow Green. It's a rather weird and wonderful little extra detail which has no obvious link to the rest of the fountain's design.
Du masque papier, pour la fabrication la matière première est peu onéreuse et on se prend vite au jeu.
Lord Overtoun, who owned the house and the surrounding estate, donated the land on which Overtoun Park now stands to make up for the contamination his White's Chemical Works created locally. In the early 2000s, the three grotesques disappeared from the park and were eventually tracked down by the police to a garden in Castlemilk, just over the border in Glasgow, before being returned to their rightful home.
This rather brilliant grotesque is set into a wall in front of the former Superintendent's House in Overtoun Park in Rutherglen, just to the south of Glasgow. It's one of three similar grotesques which are thought to have originally come from Overtoun House near Dumbarton.
All of human #history has its #grotesque stories to tell - from cannibalism to #wars to #pogroms & the rest. That is why #truth is so important & guarding our #hearts individually & collectively is so important. https://bit.ly/3Tz8mQW
Photo: Eisenach Synagogue burning after #Kristallnacht, 1938. Wikimedia.
#JohnKennedy is now accusing the #FBI of a #CoverUp, the investigation isn’t even 12 hours old.
#ConspiracyTheory #ConspiracyTheorist #Republican #MAGA #FearMongering
#SickPoliticization #Unhelpful #grotesque
#NewOrleans #NOLA #terrorism #DomesticTerrorism #US #NationalSecurity #Truth
OMG the inanity just spewed by freak show #ConspiracyTheory disseminator & guzzler Republican #JohnKennedy at the #NOLA press conference
He’s a hardcore Conspiracy Theorist who needs help. He actually just indicated the US federal government (Biden / Harris) was involved in this. Idiot. Asshole. Vote him out.
#SickPoliticization #Unhelpful #grotesque
#NewOrleans #terrorism #DomesticTerrorism #US #NationalSecurity #Truth
What is this walking, hacked out of processed ham, thing in picture?
It is grotesque and nauseating!
And why does it have armpit, back and arse crack hair upon the top of it?
#grotesque #nauseating #armpitBackBackCrackHairUponIt
Love this ecclesiastical grotesque which appears to be pulling itself through the wall of Shawlands Cross Church on the Southside of Glasgow.