Today it was 6°C in the #garagegym. Huge difference for my #workout compared to 1°C. I felt much better, but 60kg power snatches are really heavy now... Guess my fitness level went down quite a bit during the last year.
Today it was 6°C in the #garagegym. Huge difference for my #workout compared to 1°C. I felt much better, but 60kg power snatches are really heavy now... Guess my fitness level went down quite a bit during the last year.
And now an easy 10k row for todays #garagegym #workout.
Todays #garagegym #workout is more lower body strength. Temperature is at summer like 6°C...
Next time I need my thermo underwear. #garagegym
Well, at 2°C the barbell in my #garagegym is really really cold. Luckily my hands get warm enough so I don't feel that too much after a short while.
Into the #garagegym for my #workout.
Done with my #garagegym #workout. More strength work following a westside barbell routine.
Heading out into the #garagegym for a lower body strength #workout soon.
Going to be a long road to work back up to where I want to be, but glad to get out there. #GarageGym
Todays #workout is strict press, already pretty heavy in week 3 for my current 4 week Wendler 5-3-1 plan. #garagegym is getting cold too at 10°C.
I guess the time has come to wear a hat or beanie for my #garagegym #workout.
Replaced the faulty LED panel in the #garagegym with a new IP65 one. Hope this holds up longer, it's a proper outdoor one for the cold and damp garage.
I probably need a light soon when I want to keep the garage door closed to not freeze as much.
Time for another #workout in the #garagegym, or in front. Sun is out, so the neighbors will see some broad jumps and some walking lunges up and down the driveway.
Been a few weeks since I've been at the #garagegym. Feels good to be back. Doing a pretty heavy mostly push day and hanging with the pup. Need this today to try and unwind a bit. #StrengthTraining #fitness #gym
Looking very likely that I'll be picking up an incline bench tomorrow for the #garagegym. Not the first thing I've had in mind to pick up honestly. But a nice deal came up on marketplace, and I've been thinking about how it would be nice anyway to save some time and such.
Pics from last night after we power washed the construction gunk off the garage floor. Construction and painting are done! I’ll be getting the gym equipment and stuff assembled today, and I’ll take new pics once the gym is completely back together. I’m also working on picking some fun neon signage, mirrors, and maybe some cool signs and posters, but that’ll take some time. THIS SPACE IS GONNA BE SO RAD, YALL
More progress on the #garagegym #remodel. We had some additional electrical run to meet city ordinances, and they got the attic floor decking installed, got the old garage doors removed, and got the new attic entry installed! Hoping tomorrow they get through the final electrical bits and get to start the replacing and installing the insulation. The stuff that’s there is gross
More progress on the #garagegym #renovation #remodel! Mostly material deliveries (drywall and new attic stairs) and most of the new electrical. It’s nice having shiny new boxes and wire everywhere knowing how much better it’s going to be when complete. I also purchased the new exterior lights that will go along the sides of the garage doors, new accent lights for the gym side of the garage interior, and new Sonos speakers! Tomorrow the old doors hopefully come out, new attic stuff goes in!
The #garagegym is closed this week for #renovation! I am anxious to get back to working out, but I am also stoooooked for all this to happen. Today was Day 1, and there’s work of varying kinds scheduled through Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (barring weekend, obvs). I will be photo dumping as we go bc squeeeeee! #remodeling