Apparently #Toshiba rushed #HDDVD so hard to the market they literally released a #Pentium4-based #Linux box with a #Desktop #Drive as their first #Player...
- Any #veteran #KernelDevs and #FLOSS #Lawyers wanna pull a #BusyBox and beat the HD-DVD specs out of them in court?
Please, go ahead!
- And yes, #Microsoft prolonged the #FormatWar at the expense ob #bluray solely to get their #Streaming and #Download business off the ground.
So in the format war of blu-ray vs HD-DVD vs #HDVMD (yes you read right there existed a 3rd format, HD-VMD, that just tried to do absurd layer numbers to still use red lasers and be in theory cheaper to make discs and drives for!), the real winner are shitty Streaming Services like #Netflix and the like.
- Tho I still think #BitTorrent owns them all as #delistings and absurdly high #subscription fees and lack of #physical releases at reasonable prices resurged #piracy , but that's just me #ReadingTheRoom and saying the obvious thing noone wants to admit.
I just don't pirate so I can talk about it!