In case you missed it last week: Registration for #WOS2025 is now open! Early bird registration rates are available until May 15.
In case you missed it last week: Registration for #WOS2025 is now open! Early bird registration rates are available until May 15.
Are you planning on attending #WOS2025? Are you interested in mentoring an #ornithology student or early-career professional to ensure they have a great experience at the meeting? Volunteer to be part of our Mentoring Program!
Seeking Volunteer Mentors for ...
The program for #WOS2025 features a workshop on Intro to R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis, free with registration. We hope you'll join us this June!
Workshops & Special Events
#WOS2025 registration is now open! Early bird rates are available until May 15. We hope you'll join us in Los Angeles this June and share your #ornithology!
The best part of every #ornithology meeting is secretly the birding field trips, right? Check out what we've got planned for #WOS2025 in Los Angeles this June!
Field Trips
We are seeking MENTORS for our mentoring program for students & early-career professionals in #ornithology! If you're planning to attend #WOS2025, please consider volunteering.
WOS 2025 mentor application
#WOS2025 registration launches soon, but if you like to plan ahead, registration and lodging costs are already posted on the meeting web—see you in June!
Registration & Lodging
In case you missed it: We're offering gratis membership and gratis #WOS2025 meeting registration to any ornithologist impacted by recent actions by the federal government, and are soliciting input on additional ways to offer support.
Supporting Ornithologists Impa...
#WOS2025 t-shirts and sweatshirts are now available to order! Shirts will *not* be available for purchase at the meeting, but will be shipped directly to you. Proceeds help fund student travel grants!
Wilson Ornithological Society ...
Planning to join us in Los Angeles this June for #WOS2025? Don't miss the LGBTQIA+ and Allies Social, an annual WOS tradition!
Workshops & Special Events
Interested in #scicomm? The program for #WOS2025 includes a workshop on "Communicating Your Results to a Scientific Audience and Beyond," free with meeting registration!
Workshops & Special Events
On the schedule for #WOS2025: a workshop on "Intro to R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis." Free with meeting registration!
Workshops & Special Event
Want to see some cool California birds this June? Details on #WOS2025 field trips are now up on the meeting website!
Field Trips
Reminder: For you planners out there, registration and lodging costs are now available on the #WOS2025 website. (Early bird registration opens next month!)
Registration & Lodging
Coming to #WOS2025 this June? Join us for our annual LGBTQIA+ and Allies Social, a safe opportunity for community and conversation.
Workshops & Special Event
Interested in #scicomm? #WOS2025 will feature a workshop on Communicating Your Results to a Scientific Audience and Beyond, free with meeting registration. #ornithology
Workshops & Special Event
Sharing highlights of the program planned for #WOS2025 this June: We're offering a workshop on Intro to R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis, free with meeting registration! Will you be joining is in Los Angeles? #ornithology
Workshops & Special Event