#foudebassan #gannet #gaspesie #gaspesia #quebec #canada #ornithology #birds #birdwatching
Deep #ornithology thoughts for your Tuesday: do bowerbirds' creations count as "art"?
Can animals make art?
Your daily Avian Hybrids story!
A Little Brown Job: Unraveling the Chiffchaff complex
Your daily Avian Hybrids story!
A Little Brown Job: Unraveling the Chiffchaff complex
Spatial and species-specific variation in lake-crossing behavior in the Great Lakes region influences collision risk with offshore wind development | doi.org/10.1093/orni... | Ornithological Applications | #ornithology
Spatial and species-specific variation in lake-crossing behavior in the Great Lakes region influences collision risk with offshore wind development | doi.org/10.1093/orni... | Ornithological Applications | #ornithology
Sora In Hiding by Debra Martz
To find a Sora, look to the freshwater marshes. If you are lucky, one might appear at the edge of the reeds and cordgrass, but most often, they will be within the vegetation.
Seen at Estero Llano Grande State Park in Weslaco, Texas.
Differences in mortality patterns of White-tailed Eagle and Osprey in the eastern region of the Baltic Sea | link.springer.com/ar... | Journal of Ornithology | #ornithology
Differences in mortality patterns of White-tailed Eagle and Osprey in the eastern region of the Baltic Sea | link.springer.com/ar... | Journal of Ornithology | #ornithology
Are you planning on attending #WOS2025? Are you interested in mentoring an #ornithology student or early-career professional to ensure they have a great experience at the meeting? Volunteer to be part of our Mentoring Program!
Seeking Volunteer Mentors for ...
New records of Fox’s Weaver Ploceus spekeoides significantly disrupt perceptions concerning its conservation status | www.tandfonline.com/... | Ostrich | #ornithology
New records of Fox’s Weaver Ploceus spekeoides significantly disrupt perceptions concerning its conservation status | www.tandfonline.com/... | Ostrich | #ornithology
Constitutively active glucagon receptor drives high blood glucose in birds | www.nature.com/artic... | Nature | #ornithology
Constitutively active glucagon receptor drives high blood glucose in birds | www.nature.com/artic... | Nature | #ornithology
First aberrant coloured Calonectris shearwater recorded in Madeira, Portugal | http://www.marineorn... | Marine Ornithology | #ornithology
First aberrant coloured Calonectris shearwater recorded in Madeira, Portugal | http://www.marineorn... | Marine Ornithology | #ornithology