Here's a picture of one of the two timber wolves. I've posted pictures of her leaping in the air before, she gets excited when food is coming. That was not today though.
Here's a picture of one of the two timber wolves. I've posted pictures of her leaping in the air before, she gets excited when food is coming. That was not today though.
Here are some pictures of our timber wolves enjoying the weather. These two are brother and sister, and are very close. The nuzzling here is a sign of affection.
In case you need more distractions from current events, here is some howling from this weekend. Feel free to join in if needed.
Note that this is kind of loud, and may be unsettling if you have pets.
Trotting around after already having looked through her pumpkin.
#LLL #TimberWolf #actionfigure I just got this beauty off #eBay
Most of the wolves however were taking it easy today, like this one. His sister is curled up in the shadow of the tree in the background; she was the one who was hovering in the pictures I posted last week. Today wasn't a feeding day, and there weren't too many visitors, so they weren't as excited.
The wolves got fed yesterday, for which our two timber wolves get pretty excited. This one seemed particularly jumpy today, more so than her brother. Apparently, wolves can hover.
Mercenaries Kickstarter arrived this morning, it's all gorgeous - hovertanks, aerospace fighters, sculpts of some profoundly goofy battlemechs - but the pièce de résistance is this 10cm tall Timberwolf. I look forward to painting this one up.