Microsoft stellt Skype ein – Fokus auf Teams und KI-Integration
Microsoft wird den Betrieb von Skype im Mai 2025 einstellen und Nutzer:innen eine Migration zu Microsoft Teamsanbieten. Nach 14 Jahren unte
#News #Services #Digitalisierung #InternetTelefonie #KnstlicheIntelligenz #Microsoft #MicrosoftTeams #SatyaNadella #Skype #Slack #Unternehmenskommunikation #Videokommunikation #WhatsApp
How to Use Slack for Business: Workplace Communication #Communication #Technology #Workplace #Business #Slack #APPS #API
How to Use Slack for Business: Workplace Communication – #1CyberSecurityNewsPost #CyberSecurityNews #Communication #Technology #Workplace #business #Hackread #Slack #apps #API
For your information, our team has been using the open-source messaging tool Mattermost for quite some time, which runs perfectly on our platform, even in a shared environment, as a Service!
Slack Down: Thousands Reported Issues With Messaging Platform
Slack Down: Thousands Reported Issues With Messaging Platform
Slack Down: Thousands Reported Issues With Messaging Platform
#Slack #SlackDown #SlackOutage #TechTweakster
Slack Down: Thousands Reported Issues With Messaging Platform
Slack Down: Thousands Reported Issues With Messaging Platform
Emdash – Slack/Zoom alternative for distributed team collaboration —
#HackerNews #Emdash #Slack #Zoom #alternative #distributed #team #collaboration
3 of the 4 #slack work spaces I'm in have recovered, but one's still broken.
It's funny, during the #Slack outage today, one thing that still works it my GitLab notifications using the deprecated Web Hook interface for posting to Slack; nothing else is able to post, but our GitLab notifications are coming through.
This whole #Slack outage is making my afternoon so much fun! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
When #Slack is down, people want to tell others that "Slack is down" using Slack.
Once upon a time, the server that actually served as the endpoint for every cash register in the region for the Carmike Cinemas I worked at crashed. This made it impossible to run registers.
The manager popped the cash box on all the registers and busted out several rolls of paper towel so we could hand-compute the math. At the end of the day, we were on average about $100 off each; his attitude on it was "That's still more money than I'd have made if I just shut down."
Anyway, a nod and wink to all my colleagues around the world who are discovering the art of stuffing messages into Google Docs, configuring IRC servers, using the telephone, and even passing notes by hand today. I see you and I respect the hustle.