#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#MidnightRun (1988)
A bounty hunter pursues a former Mafia accountant who is also being chased by a rival bounty hunter, the F.B.I., and his old mob boss after jumping bail.
#RobertDeNiro #CharlesGrodin
#80sMovies #FilmMastodon
#MidnightRun (1988)
A bounty hunter pursues a former Mafia accountant who is also being chased by a rival bounty hunter, the F.B.I., and his old mob boss after jumping bail.
#RobertDeNiro #CharlesGrodin
@mookie I've seen #MidnightRun. It has it's moments but I really didn't like it.
However, I'm still planning to check out #FastCharlie based on your recommendation.
The final reveal.
It’s fun and games until someone gets handed over to the FBI
#FridayThrillerClub #MidnightRun
This week’s #FridayThrillerClub leading men are Robert DeNiro, Charles Grodin, John Ashton, Yaphet Kotto, Dennis Farino and Joe Pantoliano
#MidnightRun #RobertDeNiro #CharlesGrodin #YaphetKotto #JohnAshton #DennisFarino #JoePantoliano #80smovies
This whole industry could use some communication skills.
Who else has done an entire movie handcuffed?
(That's not porn)
Which movie had more cop cars: Midnight Run or Blues Brothers?
The reveals in this movie are unlike any other.
This is Planes, Trains and Automobiles all over again. With bullets.
I didn't feel it was appropriate to share that with you, Jack.
Yeahhh.. that’s not how you pronounce “Chorizo”
#FridayThrillerClub #MidnightRun
@rsmon77 I assume, Robin Williams was considered also for the sexual tension??
#FridayThrillerClub #MidnightRun
Here for “Midnight Run”
#FridayThrillerClub #MidnightRun #80smovies
Richard Foronjy, Character Actor in ‘Midnight Run’ and ‘Serpico,’ Dies at 86
#Variety #Obituaries #PeopleNews #MidnightRun #RepoMan #RichardForonjy