My wife is leveling up her #geek / #nerd class. I discovered my old #magicthegathering decks and she fell in love with the game :) 3rd evening in a row we play random draft deck games up to 3 wins :> #mtg #bestfriends #wife
My wife is leveling up her #geek / #nerd class. I discovered my old #magicthegathering decks and she fell in love with the game :) 3rd evening in a row we play random draft deck games up to 3 wins :> #mtg #bestfriends #wife
米新築住宅販売、2月1.8%増 気温上昇とローン金利低下が追い風 | ロイター #AMERS #BISV #BISV08 #BNK #BSVC #business #COFS #CYCP #CYCP08 #CYCS #CYCS08 #DBT #DEST:NOJPBSM #DEST:NOJPTPM #DEST:NOJPZTM #ECI #eco #ECON #fin #FINS #FINS08 #Gen #Home #HOSAL #HSEBLD #ILEI #JFOR #JLN #MCE #MTG #NAMER #POL #PXP #REAM #Rep #TRN #us #wash #ビジネス
Terve Suomalaiset!
My buddy Mark is about to start a 2-month apprenticeship in Kouvola, Suomi, obvsly doesn't know anyone there, and wants to know if there's something like a tabletop gaming club in or near Kouvula. Blood Bowl, 40k, other Warhammer and even MtG, he's game. He's friendly and likes a laugh, 100% Erik™ approved
Retoots will be much appreciated!
How do you feel about alternate win conditions? #mtg #magicthegathering #mtgpolls
From my Tumblr, what's your favorite counterspell art?
Took me all format, but finally managed a trophy with WU Artifacts. All it took was pathmaker looking for perilous snare a bunch
「マジック:ザ・ギャザリング」,アニメ「スポンジ・ボブ」とコラボしたSecret Lairのコレクションを発売。楽天ブックスで予約受付中
I wrote another silly essay. This one's about how I am morally superior to blue players in magic the gathering.
Someone asked for this on my Tumblr. No idea why.
Making Magic | A Dragonstorm Is Brewing, Part 2
How do you feel about secret lair bonus cards?
#mtg #magicthegathering #mtgpolls
Falls ihr lust habt gibt es ganz auch auf YouTube mit Video:
Having good fun writing for this week's review. It's always nice when a game connects in the right way; hopefully the FF #mtg set gives some good representation to #FinalFantasy XII
Die ersten Folge meines neuen #magicthegathering #podcast ist online! Würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr da mal vorbei schaut. Überall zu finden wo es Podcast gibt.
"Vom Meme zur Magic-Karte: Secret Lair Spongebob, Tarkir: Dragonstorm & Commandfests"