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Cover of Mexican literary magazine Letras Libras from a few years back that is even more timely today.
On Monday, be aware that the US is taking a poisonous snake to its bosom when it installs fascist leader Trump into the White House for the second time.
Don't watch fascists take power.
Don't watch the inauguration.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #Mexico #LiteraryMagazine #Trump #Hitler #TuckersBalls
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We're getting a cold blast from the past in the US on Monday, January 20, 2025, when US-ians peacefully install a convicted felon fascist into the White House.
Could it happen here? It's already happening, but you don't have to watch it.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #Germany #Fascism #TuckersBalls
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If you're not a robot, you don't have to watch the US Presidential inauguration on Monday, January 20.
Do yourself a favor; just check out with some form of healthy self-care.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #CaptchaTest #TuckersBalls
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Gulf of Fragile Masculinity.
Map of the Gulf of Mexico with the name changed to "Gulf of Fragile Masculinity."
Trump has actually proposed that the name of the Gulf of Mexico be replaced with the "Gulf of America,"
How many other great suggestions must he come up with before he makes America great again?
Here's a great suggestion: Ignore Monday's Inauguration.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #GulfOfMexico #TuckersBalls
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Know Your Presidents.
How do you think these 4 modern US presidents compare? Which ones would you trust with your daughter? Which ones would you trust with a stack of money? Which ones do you think are capable of telling the truth? Which one is incapable of telling the truth?
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #USPresidents #TuckersBalls
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Friends don't let friends watch the installation of a fascist regime.
On Monday, just ignore the fat bastard like he's going to be ignoring you for the next 4 years.
If it helps, post this graphic image to avoid seeing photos of the highest ranked convicted felon in the nation.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #SayNoToSeeingTrump #TuckersBalls
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The Republicans had a plan.
It was designed to dumb down the US by putting forward progressively less qualified candidates while taking away funding for education.
It worked.
On January 20, 2025, US-ians will have arguably the dumbest and worst President ever in the White House.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #DumbAndDumber #TuckersBalls
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The swearing in of Trump on January 20, 2025.
Nobody with more than 2 working brain cells believes that Trump will actually be in charge starting on Monday.
A coterie of billionaires, multi-billionaires, and foreign oligarchs will be pulling his strings from day one.
Don't participate in a sham. Avoid the inauguration.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #PowerepsBehindThePresident #Musk #TuckersBalls
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Trump on Diddy, "I love Diddy. ...You know he is a good friend of mine. He's a good guy. ...I think he's a good guy, I'm going to stick up for him."
Trump made these remarks at the 1:09:25 mark in the first episode of the 12th season of "The Apprentice,"
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #Trump #Diddy #JeffreyEpstein #VennDiagram #TuckersBalls
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Rebranding the Republican Party.
Republicans have worked hard to convince voters that they are on the side of working people when nothing could be further from the truth.
The ascent of Trump to the White House for the second time is a disaster for democracy and a triumph of disinformation, misinformation, and money in politics.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #CorporateMakeovers #GOP #Republicans #TuckersBalls
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You're going to hear a lot over the next 4 years about the Republican's mandate and their massive election win. Both are illusions.
Bear in mind that at 49.8%, Trump got less than half of the popular vote.
His "massive" win was only 1.5% more than his opponent, Kamala Harris, a much more qualified candidate.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #VictoryMargins #Mandate #TuckersBalls
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Promises made. Promises never to be kept.
Trump made a lot of promises during the campaign. That was easy for him to do because he had no intention of keeping any of them.
US-ians, this is your country on stoopid voters.
Eye for one, don't expect a steep drop in the price of eggs and gasoline on Tuesday
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #UninformedVoters #TuckersBalls
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Be a thinking person: Avoid the inauguration on January 20, 2025.
Watching it will only make you feel worse.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #Think #TuckersBalls
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Compare and contrast.
The descent of the office of the President of the United States from 1960 to 2025.
Eye was alive when President Kennedy was elected in 1960, ushering in an era known as Camelot with his lovely first lady Jacqueline,
On Monday, January 20, 2025, the curtain goes up on Little Shop of Horrors with Trump and Melania.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #TheKennedys #Trump #Melania #TuckersBalls
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Emperor Trump.
Trump returns to office on January 20, 2025, with the powers of an emperor granted to him in a special dispensation from the US Supreme Court.
Avoid the imperium.
Avoid the inauguration on Monday.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #SCOTUS #TuckersBalls
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There are now 3 tiers of justice in the US:
One for ordinary people, one for the wealthy, and one established recently by the Supreme Court exclusively for Trump.
That's why this absolute shit-show of a human being is being allowed to take office on January 20, 2025.
Be kind, don't watch it.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #LegalSystem #TuckersBalls
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Always remember that Trump is most of all a con man.
He takes credit for things he didn't do, declines responsibility for his fuck-ups, lies uncontrollably, is unreliable, dishonest, untrustworthy, and disconnected from reality.
Avoid the inauguration of the US's worst President tune it out.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #Trump #ConMan #Clown #RonaldMcDonald #TuckersBalls
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According to his followers, Trump is the greatest US President ever.
Following Monday's Inauguration, Eye suggest he begin work on replacing the faces of all the other Presidents on Mt Rushmore with his own face.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #MountRushmore #TuckersBalls
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Destroyed from within.
David Brinkley, on November 18, 1956, reported on his NBC Nightly News show that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had said earlier that day, "We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the United States. We will destroy you from within.”
On Monday, January 20, 2025, we'll be shoveling soil into the grave.
#USPolitics #Inauguration #InaugurationSurvivalKit #Trump #Khrushchev #TuckersBalls