I'm a little late for those on the Eastern half of the globe, but for everyone else, a reminder that tomorrow (February 1st) is Hourly Comics Day!
What is Hourly Comics Day (HCD)? Every Feb 1st, artists all over the world take on the challenge of chronicling their day in comic form, one quick, sketchy comic per hour of wakefulness. It’s a challenge, but a fun one, and it’s a great way to get to know your fellow cartoonists!
You can do one panel each hour, or more, depending on what works for you, and it can be as sketchy and unfinished as you like. For examples, just search the Hourly Comics Day hashtags to see some from previous year's:
#HourlyComicsDay #HourlyComics #HCD #HourlyComicsDay2024 #HourlyComicsDay2023
#HCD24 #HCD23 etc.
Many people also use the shortened #Hourlies to refer to HCD.
I hope you'll think about participating! Take care, everyone!
Hourlies 7pm - 10pm
I really love seeing people's hourlies. I wanted to really try and do a good job at it. It was work, but I found it really satisfying.
Hourlies 11am-3pm
The one where I lovingly render the storyboard pro interface. And then also draw Things for Mac.
#hourlies #hourlycomicsday2024 #hourlycomicsday
This year's #HourlyComics are in, hot off the press!
Lots of Pokemon Sleep and Pokemon Go, watching https://www.youtube.com/@BarryWasStreaming to get me through the work day, https://www.youtube.com/@TastingHistory for lunch, https://maximumfun.org/podcasts/oh-no-ross-and-carrie/ in the evening, and https://www.icantsleeppodcast.com/ before bed. All of these, I highly recommend watching or listening to!
#HourlyComicsDay2024 #HourlyComicsDay
Here we go, my finished #Hourlies for #HourlyComicsDay2024!
I last did this in 2019, and these are a lot rougher than my previous attempts… but I'm still so happy to have gotten them done this year. ^^
And yeah, my sleep schedule is just that messed up. Hurray for ME/CFS!
You can view my previous Hourly Comic Day efforts here: https://rheall.me/portfolio/hourly-comics-day/
I knit my own socks… how i made this pair too short i don’t know…
couldn't copy-paste this one,, feels like I'm running a marathon doing these every hour
Dinner was surprisingly fine…
#HourlyComicsDay #HourlyComicsDay2024
Paint Belongs on Walls is a great scheme from Seagulls providing paint to people who really need it.
my handwriting in these will get progressively worse but I'm doing my best
I won't have time to do proper hourly comics day today, but this is pretty much how most of my days have gone lately