2/2...soundstage that #Gulfoss achieves, so you'll want to go for those #ShadowHills, #SSL or #Amek colors before you master. It really is quite nice !
1/2 Saturday #DailyTracks : Got round to some interesting #Remastering / #Restoration experimentation today. Turns out #Gulfoss is an excellent tool in this application. It does some interesting things wrt phase across both frequency and amplitude domains and the resulting soundstage- at least for source material that isn't a complete train wreck, spans an entire mix really well. You can throw some absurdly expensive models of hardware on the master buss after the fact and they'll disrupt the...
I think it's a requirement that #WaterfallWednesday includes at least one photo of #Gulfoss #Iceland. This week it's my turn. Gulfoss is one of the most awe-inspiring places I've ever been.
@reiseforum @reisefieber
10 Min. vom #Gulfoss entfernt liegt das Besucherzentrum im Haukadalurthal, mit Geothermalfeld, Geysiren, heißen Quellen, ganz viel heißem Dampf (+ Duft nach faulen Eiern :)!)
Der Hauptgeysir bricht selten + unregelmäßig aus, der kleine Stokkur alle 10 Minuten mit 20-40m Fontänen.
1981 wurde der große #Geysir durch Einpumpen von Seife zur Eruption gebracht; wegen Umweltauswirkungen wurde das in den 90ern gestoppt. Aber wenn er hochgeht, dann richtig: 2000 122m hoch.