Found this street art pasted on a temporary wall in Sliema, today, and thought it was.actually kind of cool
'under screen cries crisis come concealed to algorithm'
Found this street art pasted on a temporary wall in Sliema, today, and thought it was.actually kind of cool
'under screen cries crisis come concealed to algorithm'
I have in the works a few things for you all, but primarily I'd like to share news of a guerilla art project I'm working on.
This is a kind of decentralized, potentially global "performance" (using that word quite loosely) wherein we generate interest in and hopefully legitimate, deeper engagement with specific prompts and internal work.
But it requires participants to help distribute something, and participants to share about that thing on whatever online platform they're comfortable sharing on. The more the better, and the more dispersed around the world the better.
To maintain the impact of this project, it must be secretive. You must be able to be quiet about your involvement until things are set in motion.
If you'd like to get more details and be a part of this, please DM or email me. If you don't, but would like to assist in a small way, please boost this
You guys, this is so awesome I'm just delighted.
A little bit of #tech, some #guerillaart
(A guy in SF set up a cheap Android phone on a pole that samples audio going by and runs it through Shazam to see what songs it can discern.)
#art #guerillaArt #mastoart #aberdeenshire #inthemoment on our visit to the Art gallery in Aberdeen today, I was compelled to create an impromptu exhibit using materials available.
Brazilian artist swaps historical coin in British Museum for a fake. Ilê Sartuzi put original coin in museum donation box as part of project about number of foreign objects in its collection #Brazilian #artist #protest #ProtestArt #GuerillaArt
An original Banksy out in the wild. “Hammer Boy,” Upper West Side, #NewYorkCity.
Published a new #blog post, "Leading Light": A tribute to #Chicago's Jason Pickleman.
again to see what I was doing. After learning about my project, he then brought me to check out some #guerillaart *he* had secretly and anonymously put up nearby.
I wish I took a photo of it because I can't find any evidence of it online (makes sense since he did it secretly and anonymously), and I wanted to fact-check before making this post. Going off my memory, it looked like a pin drop / location marker and was on the window of a storefront, and had to do with racial justice, and he
This amazing Guerilla/Mock anti-Shell ad appeared just across the road from us. Has some @spellingmistakescostlives vibes!
Tiny grumpy man chills in his tiny hammock on a big old bridge.
(In the meantime, I learned that the tiny grumpy man is Franz Joseph I of Austria →
Take that, Tumblr, Midjourney and OpenAI :P
On our #Kyoto trip, a short walk from Ninnaji was Ryoanji. I'll fill you in on that anon - for now please enjoy this ginkgo leaves 'butterfly' #art by kid2. Not sure where/when she picked up this skill but I've enjoyed her #GuerillaArt left here and there. This one as we were walking in the Ryoanji garden
In an art heist in reverse the GALA Comitee “smuggled” avant-garde art onto the set of Melrose Place and onto mainstream television. #art #television #mainstream #MelrosePlace #soapOpera #90s #GalaComitee #MelChin #CalArts #politicalArt #guerillaArt #cultureJamming
Tatort Kunst: Die Bundeskunsthalle stellte beim Abbau ihrer Ausstellung WER WIR SIND fest, dass ein Bild zu viel da ist. Die Reaktion macht mir Freude.
Da nicht jeder hier Zugriff auf Instagram (oder Facebook) hat, erlaube ich mir den Screenshot. Text der Bundeskunsthalle ist hinterlegt.
At dinner tonight with friends. Gorgeous sky and we created a descriptive tag for this public art display, a table blown over by the wind between two chairs. I had paper and a pen and tape with me! Lucky. I need to keep a sharpie and tape and paper on hand at all times for chances like this. #FoundArt #GoodFoodGoodFriends #GuerillaArt #Kansas #LuckySebs #LFK
Global News BC: Guerilla spider sculpture in East Vancouver may not be removed after all #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #unsanctionedsculpture #vancouverpublicart #VancouverPolitics #spidersculpture #unsanctionedart #spiderstatue #guerillaart #PublicArt #Vancouver #Politics #spider
Global News BC: Artist behind guerilla Vancouver art piece launches campaign to ‘save spidey’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverpublicart #spiderartremoval #spiderartremoved #CityofVancouver #spidersculpture #unsanctionedart #VancouverArt #guerillaart #illegalart #NoFunCity #PublicArt #Vancouver #Politics #spider #Art
Global News BC: City of Vancouver to remove guerilla spider sculpture, cost unclear #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverguerillasculpture #vancouverguerillaart #sculptureremoval #CityofVancouver #spidersculpture #unsactionedart #VancouverArt #guerillaart #artremoval #spiderart #Canada #spider