#MountRainier #Washington A charming #GoldenMantledGroundSquirrel striking a pose in the alpine meadows #PNW #ScenicViews #USA #WildlifePhotography #NatureLovers #HikingAdventures #GroundSquirrel #Squirrel #Photography #Canon #R5Mark2 #R5MarkII
#MountRainier #Washington A charming #GoldenMantledGroundSquirrel striking a pose in the alpine meadows #PNW #ScenicViews #USA #WildlifePhotography #NatureLovers #HikingAdventures #GroundSquirrel #Squirrel #Photography #Canon #R5Mark2 #R5MarkII
#MountRainier #Washington A charming #GoldenMantledGroundSquirrel striking a pose in the alpine meadows #PNW #ScenicViews #USA #WildlifePhotography #NatureLovers #HikingAdventures #GroundSquirrel #Squirrel #Photography #Canon #R5Mark2 #R5MarkII
As you prepare for #SquirrelAppreciationDay on 21 January, don’t forget to also prepare for #GroundhogDay on 2 February!
#squirrel #groundsquirrel
California Ground Squirrel having breakfast. Huntington Library, San Marino, California, USA. September, 2023. #huntingtonlibrary #squirrel #animal #animalphotography #nature #naturephotography #photography #amateurphotography #groundsquirrel #omds_om_photo #omsystem #om1 #mzuiko60mm
Franklin's ground squirrel splooting a couple summers ago in Alberta
Von Wien Richtung Osten erstreckt sich das Verbreitungsgebiet des Europäischen Ziesels.
Im städtischen Bereich können sie die Scheu vor den Menschen verlieren.
#ziesel #tiereinderstadt #groundsquirrel #hörnchenliebe
Tiny but mighty
#DYK that ground squirrels first appeared in North America around 10 million years ago? However, the oldest known arctic ground squirrel remains date between 1.8 and 2.5 million years old. That's pretty impressive considering that they can still be found across the circumpolar north today!
Can’t Talk, Busy
Description: An Uinta Ground Squirrel takes a tuft and runs with it.
Location: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, North America
photograph copyright, Peter West Carey. All rights reserved.
Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel munching on some flowers along the Pinnacles Trail at Crater Lake National Park.
Tree squirrels are cute but ground squirrels really know how to sit for photos!
Ground squirrel, California central coast, July 2023 - 2 photos.