KI-Update kompakt: ChatGPTs Bildgenerator, Anthropics Claude, eBay, ARC-AGI-2
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.

KI-Update kompakt: ChatGPTs Bildgenerator, Anthropics Claude, eBay, ARC-AGI-2
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
KI-Suche: #Google bringt die #AIOverviews nach Deutschland | heise online #ArtificialIntelligence #GoogleSuche #GoogleSearch #GoogleGemini #Gemini
Got my hands on the #Google #Gemini 2.5 model and my mind got frigging blown 10 seconds in. The future is now. #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Artificial_Intelligence #GoogleGemini
Google Gemini per Android: arrivano i Gem gratis per tutti
#Aggiornamento #AI #Android #AppGemini #Gem #Gemini #GeminiAI #Google #GoogleAI #GoogleGemini #Gratis #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Notizie #Novità #TechNews #Tecnologia
Google lancia Gemini 2.5 Pro: AI potenziata per esperti
#AI #Benchmark #Coding #Gemini25 #Gemini25Pro #GeminiAdvanced #GeminiAI #Google #GoogleAI #GoogleGemini #IntelligenzaArtificiale #LLM #Multimodalità #Notizie #Novità #Ragionamento #Sviluppatori #TechNews #Tecnologia
Google Gemini potrà analizzare 10 foto contemporaneamente
#AI #Analisi #Android #APKTeardown #App #Foto #FunzioniAI #Gemini #GeminiAI #Google #GoogleGemini #Immagini #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Multitasking #Notizie #Novità #NuoveFunzioni #TechNews #Tecnologia
Google Expands Gemini AI in Google Drive with Smart File Suggestions and Summaries
#AI #GoogleGemini #GoogleDrive #GeminiAI #GoogleWorkspace #CloudStorage #AIAutomation #FileManagement #GoogleUpdates
Google Starts Rolling Out AI That Uses Your Smartphone Camera to ‘See’ The World #googlegemini #projectastra #aiassistant #Technology #GeminiAI #realtime #aimodel #google #astra #News #ai
Google porta la modalità Search AI per tutti (solo USA)
#AI #Gemini #Google #GoogleGemini #GoogleLabs #GoogleSearch #IntelligenzaArtificiale #ModalitàAI #MotoreDiRicerca #Notizie #Novità #NuoveFunzioni #Search AI #StatiUniti #TechNews #Tecnologia #USA
Gmail con AI: scrivi email perfette in italiano con Gemini
#AI #AiutamiAScrivere #Android #Email #Gemini #GeminiAI #Gmail #Google #GoogleGemini #GoogleOne #GoogleWorkspace #IntelligenzaArtificiale #iOS #Italia #Italiano #Notizie #Novità #PostaElettronica #TechNews #Tecnologia #Web
Google Maps: ora puoi chiedere a Gemini informazioni sui luoghi
#AI #Android #App #Contesto #Gemini #GeminiAI #Google #GoogleGemini #GoogleMaps #Implementazioni #Informazioni #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Luoghi #Notizie #Novità #TechNews #Tecnologia
This kinda creeps me out. I like the idea of AI helping me with stuff, but the reality of #googlegemini being yet another google tentacle in my life. Now it will be able to see out the camera at anytime behind the thinnest veil of security theater.
Google's Gemini Introduces Real-Time AI Video Features: A Leap in Interactive Assistance
Google's Gemini is revolutionizing the AI landscape with its ability to 'see' screens and camera feeds in real-time, offering advanced interactive capabilities for users. This rollout, part of the Goo...
Machen uns ChatGPT und andere Chatbots zunehmend dümmer? - Zukunft - › Wissen und Gesellschaft #Chatbot #ChatGPT #GoogleGemini #Perplexity
Google’s #Gemini can now view your screen live and chat with you about what it sees! Do you have this yet? I'm not sure when I'd find it useful, although I've seen comments from people saying they've used it to help build #lego kits, which makes sense! #GoogleGemini #android #samsung #chatgpt #ai #llm
L'app Gemini genera 'Audio Overview', podcast per riassumere documenti su Android/iOS. Da notare: manca un player audio integrato, si apre nel browser. #GoogleGemini #AI #Podcast #Android #iOS #Innovazione
Google: le notizie non hanno valore per Adsense nell'UE
#Adblocker #Adsense #Editori #Europa #Giornalismo #Google #GoogleGemini #GoogleNews #GoogleSearch #Monetizzazione #Notizie #Profitti #Strategia #TechNews #Tecnologia #UE #Valore #YouTube Inside Google’s Two-Year Frenzy to Catch Up With OpenAI #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #google #GoogleGemini #longreads #OpenAI
Gmail’s AI-driven search upgrade prioritizes relevant emails using machine learning
#AI #Gmail #GoogleAI #GoogleWorkspace #AIAutomation #GoogleGemini #GoogleOne
You Can Now Use Google Gemini Without Signing In #aichatbot #artificalintelligence #artificialintelligence #gemini #generativeai #google #googlegemini #googlegemini20flash